- spectral series
спектральная серия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
spectral series — Physics. a series of lines in the spectrum of light emitted by excited atoms of an element, each line being related to the others in the series by a simple numerical equation and identified with a particular energy level of an atom of the element … Useful english dictionary
spectral series — spektrinė seka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. spectral series vok. Spektralsequenz, f rus. спектральная последовательность, f pranc. série spectrale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spectral series — spektro serija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. spectral series vok. Spektralserie, f rus. спектральная серия, f pranc. série spectrale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
spectral series — Physics. a series of lines in the spectrum of light emitted by excited atoms of an element, each line being related to the others in the series by a simple numerical equation and identified with a particular energy level of an atom of the element … Universalium
spectral series — /spɛktrəl ˈsɪəriz/ (say spektruhl searreez) noun a series of lines in the emission spectrum of a substance, each line representing a particular transition between energy levels of an atom of an element …
Hydrogen spectral series — In physics, the spectral lines of hydrogen correspond to particular jumps of the electron between energy levels. The simplest model of the hydrogen atom is given by the Bohr model. When an electron jumps from a higher energy to a lower, a photon… … Wikipedia
hydrogen spectral series — noun several series of spectral lines of hydrogen that correspond to quantum transitions between the various allowed energy levels of the hydrogen atom … Wiktionary
Spectral Gene — Infobox cvg developer = Idea Factory publisher = Idea Factory designer = engine = series = Spectral released =JP December 13, 2007 genre =SRPG modes =Single Player ratings =N/A platforms =Sony PlayStation 2 Spectral Gene is an SRPG for the Sony… … Wikipedia
Spectral method — Spectral methods are a class of techniques used in applied mathematics and scientific computing to numerically solve certain Dynamical Systems, often involving the use of the Fast Fourier Transform. Where applicable, spectral methods have… … Wikipedia
Spectral music — (or spectralism) refers to a musical composition practice where compositional decisions are often informed by the analysis of sound spectra. Computer based sound spectrum analysis using a Fast Fourier transform is one of the more common methods… … Wikipedia
spectral — spectral, ale, aux [ spɛktral, o ] adj. • analyse spectrale 1859; cf. spectralement (1847); de spectre 1 ♦ Phys. Qui repose sur l étude des spectres (2o). Analyse spectrale : ensemble des techniques d étude et de détermination des spectres. ♢ Qui … Encyclopédie Universelle