- binocular vision
1) бинокулярное зрение2) бинокулярная система технического зрения
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Binocular vision — is vision in which both eyes are used together. The word binocular comes from two Latin roots, bini for double, and oculus for eye. [Harper, D. (2001). Online etymological dictionary. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from… … Wikipedia
binocular, visión — fisiol. Visión en la que los dos ojos superponen las imágenes para obtener una imagen que proporciona una sensación de relieve y profundidad, a la vez que permite calcular la distancia a la que se encuentran los objetos. Medical Dictionary. 2011 … Diccionario médico
Binocular vision — The ability to maintain visual focus on an object with both eyes, creating a single visual image. Lack of binocular vision is normal in infants. Adults without binocular vision experience distortions in depth perception and visual measurement of… … Medical dictionary
binocular vision — dviakis regėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. binocular sight; binocular vision vok. beidäugiges Sehen, n; Binokularsehen, n; zweiäugiges Sehen, n rus. бинокулярное зрение, n pranc. vision binoculaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
binocular vision — the ability to focus both eyes on an object at the same time, so that a person sees one image of the object he is looking at. It is not inborn, but acquired during the first few months of life. Binocular vision enables judgment of distance and… … The new mediacal dictionary
binocular vision — Seeing with two eyes simultaneously gives the viewer the ability to perceive depth. Stereoscopic images depend on the use of binocular vision. Also see lens … Glossary of Art Terms
binocular vision — vision which utilizes both eyes at once … English contemporary dictionary
binocular vision — noun vision involving the use of both eyes • Hypernyms: ↑sight, ↑vision, ↑visual sense, ↑visual modality • Hyponyms: ↑stereoscopic vision, ↑stereoscopy … Useful english dictionary
binocular vision — bi.nocular vision n [U] technical the ability to ↑focus both eyes on one object, which humans, monkeys, and some birds and other animals have … Dictionary of contemporary English
binocular vision — noun vision using two eyes with overlapping fields of view, allowing good perception of depth … English new terms dictionary
binocular vision — bin|oc|u|lar vi|sion [ bı,nakjələr vıʒn ] noun uncount the use of both eyes to see things in relation to each other, as humans and some animals do … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English