
1) расстояние; интервал; промежуток; зазор; шаг
2) размещение на определённом расстоянии; расстановка
3) параметр, постоянная (кристаллической решётки)
4) мор. шпация
5) участок, интервал (линии связи)
6) вчт. интервальная протяжка (бумаги при печати)
7) шаг письма (пишущей машины)
8) пробел; пробельный элемент (печатной формы)
9) разрядка, разбивка (набора); выключка строки
10) разметка пробелов (на полосе набора)
to be on square spacing — располагаться по квадратной сетке (о скважинах)
air spacing
aircraft spacing
anode-cathode spacing
aperture spacing
array spacing
atomic spacing
atom spacing
axle spacing
bar spacing
blade spacing
bore spacing
bottom-hole spacing
buttress spacing
carrier spacing
channel spacing
character spacing
clear bar spacing
clear spacing
close well spacing
column spacing
conductor spacing
contiguous channel spacing
dendrite arm spacing
dendrite spacing
dense well spacing
double spacing
drain spacing
dropper spacing
electrode spacing
energy spacing
exposure spacing
fin spacing
frame spacing
frequency spacing
grid spacing
groove spacing
interatomic spacing
interbeam spacing
interline spacing
intertrack spacing
lateral spacing
lattice spacing
lead spacing
level spacing
line spacing
mode spacing
normal spacing
ordinary spacings
overlapping channel spacing
pattern well spacing
perforation spacing
phase spacing
pillar spacing
pin-to-pin spacing
pin spacing
plate spacing
prop spacing
proportional spacing
pulse spacing
random well spacing
repeater spacing
rivet spacing
roller spacing
roll spacing
row spacing
secondary spacing
shotpoint spacing
single spacing
sleeper spacing
station spacing
stitch spacing
tap spacing
tooth spacing
track-to-track spacing
track spacing
train spacing
tray spacing
truck-center spacing
truss spacing
vertical deck spacing
vertical line spacing
vertical spacing
video track spacing
video-to-sound carriers spacing
well spacing
wide well spacing
word spacing

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "spacing" в других словарях:

  • Spacing — may refer to: * Leading, in typography, the amount of added vertical spacing between lines of type. This concept is sometimes referred to as line spacing . * Letter spacing, in typography, the amount of space between a group of letters to affect… …   Wikipedia

  • spacing — [spā′siŋ] n. 1. the arrangement of spaces 2. space or spaces, as between printed words 3. the act of a person or thing that spaces …   English World dictionary

  • spacing — UK [ˈspeɪsɪŋ] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms spacing : singular spacing plural spacings the amount of space between things Spacing between the plants should be about nine inches …   English dictionary

  • Spacing — Dismigration oder Ansiedlungsstreuung ist vor allem ein vogelkundlicher Fachbegriff. Darunter sind Zerstreuungswanderungen von Vögeln, insbesondere, aber nicht ausschließlich von Jungvögeln, zu verstehen, die sie von ihrem Geburtsort,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • spacing — 1. noun a) The action of the verb . The spacing of the desks in the exam hall was intended to prevent candidates from copying each others work. b) A way in which objects or people are separated by spaces. Put some more spacing between those two… …   Wiktionary

  • spacing — n. (on a typewriter) double; single spacing * * * [ speɪsɪŋ] single spacing (on a typewriter) double …   Combinatory dictionary

  • spacing — spac|ing [ˈspeısıŋ] n [U] the amount of space between the printed letters, words, or lines on a page single spacing (=lines with no empty lines between them) double spacing (=lines with one empty line after each one) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • spacing — [[t]spe͟ɪsɪŋ[/t]] N UNCOUNT Spacing refers to the way that typing or printing is arranged on a page, especially in relation to the amount of space that is left between words or lines. → See also space Please type or write clearly in double… …   English dictionary

  • spacing — noun (U) the amount of space between each printed letter, word, or line on a page: single spacing (=lines with no empty lines between them) | double spacing (=lines with one empty line between each one) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • spacing — protarpis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Tarpelis tarp rašmenų, kuris padidėja praretinant tekstą arba atsiranda lygiuojant abu teksto kraštus. Kartais vadinamas tarpu. Tačiau šiuo atveju tas tarpas įgyja kitokią prasmę, kadangi tekste… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • spacing — spac|ing [ speısıŋ ] noun count or uncount the amount of space between things: Spacing between the plants should be about nine inches …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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