- space solar cell
космический солнечный элемент
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Space solar power — Space based solar power (SBSP or SSP) is the conversion of solar energy into power, usable either in space or on earth, from a location in space, usually geosynchronous orbit (GSO). Photovoltaics (PV) would generally be utilized for energy… … Wikipedia
Solar cell — A solar cell made from a monocrystalline silicon wafer … Wikipedia
solar cell — a photovoltaic cell that converts sunlight directly into electricity. * * * Any device that directly converts the energy in light into electrical energy through the process of photovoltaics (see photovoltaic effect). Solar cells do not use… … Universalium
Space Solar Power Exploratory Research and Technology program — The Space Solar Power Exploratory Research and Technology program (SERT) program conducted by NASA, was initiated by John Mankins and lead by Joe Howell in March 1999 for the following purpose:* Perform design studies of selected flight… … Wikipedia
solar cell — noun a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy • Syn: ↑photovoltaic cell • Hypernyms: ↑cell, ↑electric cell • Part Holonyms: ↑solar array, ↑solar battery, ↑solar pa … Useful english dictionary
Organic solar cell — An organic photovoltaic cell (OPVC) is a photovoltaic cell that uses organic electronics a branch of electronics that deals with conductive organic polymers or small organic molecules[1] for light absorption and charge transport. The plastic… … Wikipedia
Polymer solar cell — Polymer solar cells are a type of organic solar cell: they produce electricity from sunlight. A relatively novel technology, they are being researched by universities, national laboratories and several companies around the world. Device physics… … Wikipedia
Nanocrystal solar cell — Nanocrystal solar cells are solar cells based on a substrate with a coating of nanocrystals. The nanocrystals are typically based on silicon, CdTe or CIGS and the substrates are generally silicon or various organic conductors. Quantum dot solar… … Wikipedia
Dye-sensitized solar cell — A selection of dye sensitized solar cells A dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC, DSC or DYSC[1]) is a low cost solar cell belonging to the group of thin film solar cells.[2] … Wikipedia
Quantum dot solar cell — Spin cast quantum dot solar cell built by the Sargent Group at the University of Toronto. The metal disks on the front surface are the electrical connections to the layers below. Quantum dot solar cells are an emerging field in solar cell… … Wikipedia
Thin film solar cell — Cross section of thin film polycrystalline solar cell. A thin film solar cell (TFSC), also called a thin film photovoltaic cell (TFPV), is a solar cell that is made by depositing one or more thin layers (thin film) of photovoltaic material on a… … Wikipedia