- space [spatial] correlation
пространственная корреляция
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Spatial analysis — In statistics, spatial analysis or spatial statistics includes any of the formal techniques which study entities using their topological, geometric, or geographic properties. The phrase properly refers to a variety of techniques, many still in… … Wikipedia
Correlation function — For other uses, see Correlation function (disambiguation). A correlation function is the correlation between random variables at two different points in space or time, usually as a function of the spatial or temporal distance between the points.… … Wikipedia
Spatial ecology — is a specialization of ecology and geography that is concerned with the identification of spatial patterns and their relationships to ecological events. In spatial ecology, ecological events can be explained through the detection of patterns at a … Wikipedia
Space syntax — The term space syntax encompasses a set of theories and techniques for the analysis of spatial configurations. Originally it was conceived by Bill Hillier, Julienne Hanson and colleagues at The Bartlett, University College London in the late… … Wikipedia
Correlation clustering — In machine learning, correlation clustering or cluster editing operates in a scenario where the relationship between the objects are known instead of the actual representation of the objects. For example, given a signed graph G = (V,E) where the… … Wikipedia
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy — (FCS) is a common technique used by physicists, chemists, and biologists to experimentally characterize the dynamics of fluorescent species (e.g. single fluorescent dye molecules in nanostructured materials, autofluorescent proteins in living… … Wikipedia
Electronic correlation — refers to the interaction between electrons in a quantum system whose electronic structure is being considered. The term correlation stems from mathematical statistics and means that two distribution functions, f and g , are not independent of… … Wikipedia
Complete active space — In quantum chemistry, a complete active space is a type of classification of molecular orbitals. Spatial orbitals are classified as belonging to three classes: core, always hold two electrons active, partially occupied orbitals virtual, always… … Wikipedia
Permeability (spatial and transport planning) — Permeability or connectivity describes the extent to which urban forms permit (or restrict) movement of people or vehicles in different directions. The terms are often used interchangeably, although differentiated definitions also exist (see… … Wikipedia
Moran's I — The white and black squares are perfectly dispersed so Moran s I would be 1. If the white squares were stacked to one half of the board and the black squares to the other, Moran s I would be close to +1. A random arrangement of square colors… … Wikipedia
MIMO — This article is about MIMO in wireless communication. For other uses, see MIMO (disambiguation). Understanding of SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO (note that the terms input and output refer to the radio channel carrying the signal, not to the devices… … Wikipedia