
1) источник
2) отправитель (сообщений)
3) исток, истоковая область (полевого транзистора)
4) неустойчивый фокус (на фазовой плоскости)
5) исходная программа, исходный текст, исходный код
6) исходный
7) поставщик (продукции)
ac source
acoustic source
adjustable voltage source
air-gun source
alternative energy sources
area electron source
audio source
band-shaped heat source
central heat source
chemical current source
chemical source of electric energy
cold cathode source
color black source
compressional source
constant-current welding source
constant-potential welding source
constant-power welding source
constant-voltage welding source
controllable voltage source
current source
data source
dc source
decaying source
diffused sources
diffusion source
dipole source
dislocation source
distant radiation source
dopant source
duoplasmatron ion source
dust source
dynamite source
earthquake source
electrical potential source
electron bombardment ion source
emergency source
emission source
energy source
ergodic source
evaporation source
excitation source
explosion source
external heat source
external noise source
extragalaxy source
extraterrestrial energy source
far infrared source
feed source
field ion source
FIR source
fossil-fueled heat source
galaxy source
gas-discharge light source
Gaussian source
grounded-wire source
hammer energy source
hammer source
harmonic source
heat source
high-temperature heat source
high-voltage source
hollow cathode source
horn-type source
hot cathode source
ideal current source
ideal voltage source
image source
impulse source
impulsive energy source
impurity source
indirect pollution source
infinite line source
infrared source
intermittent light source
internal heat source
interplanetary source
intrinsic noise source
ion source
IR source
jamming source
key source
land-based source
laser source
light source
line heat source
line pollution source
line source
logging source
long-wave infrared source
loop source
low-temperature heat source
luminescent light source
magnetron sputtering source
man-made radiation source
marine energy source
maritime pollution source
memory source
memoryless source
message source
midwave infrared source
mobile pollution source
monochromatic source
moving heat source
multibeam ion source
natural radiation source
near infrared source
near-surface source
neutron source
NIR source
noise source
noise-like source
nonconventional power sources
nonexplosive source
nonnuclear energy source
nonterrestrial energy source
nuclear energy source
nuclear heat source
object source
optical source
part program source
percussion-type source
percussion source
photochemical pollution source
photovoltaic power source
picture source
plasma ion source
plasmatron ion source
point fission source
point heat source
point light source
point source
pollution energy source
pollution source
pollution-free energy source
power-supply source
program source
projection light source
pumping source
quasi-stellar radio source
quasi-stellar source
radiation source
radio-noise source
reactive power source
reactor source
reference source
reference-voltage source
refrigeration source
regulated dc source
renewable energy sources
renewable fuel source
seismic energy source
seismic source
shock source
short-wave infrared source
shot source
signal source
solar power source
sound source
source of cold
source of energy
source of heat
source of radiation
source of river
spark light source
spark source
spotlight source
standard light source
standard neutron source
start-up neutron source
stationary source
surface heat source
telluric source
terrestrial energy source
thermal source
thermoelectric power source
thermoelectric source
thermophotovoltaic power source
transportation pollution source
ultraviolet source
underwater source
uniform light source
unit-strength source
UV source
vibration source
vibroseis source
video source
virtual source
voltage source
water source
weak source

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "source" в других словарях:

  • Source — Engine …   Википедия

  • source — [ surs ] n. f. • v. 1354; sourse XIIe; fém. de so(u)rs, anc. p. p. de sourdre 1 ♦ Eau qui sort de terre; issue naturelle ou artificielle par laquelle une eau souterraine se déverse à la surface du sol. ⇒ fontaine, griffon, 1. point (d eau).… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Source — may refer to:Film and television* The Source (documentary) , a 1999 documentary movie about the Beat generation * The Source (film) , a 2002 science fiction movie, also known as The Secret Craft in the UK and The Surge for its American DVD… …   Wikipedia

  • source — Source. s. f. Endroit où l eau commence à sourdre, à sortir de terre, pour avoir un cours continuel. Claire source. vive source. source qui ne tarit jamais. ce ruisseau ne provient pas des pluyes, c est une eau qui coule de source. trouver une… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • source — n 1: a point of origin the source of the conflict 2: one that supplies information held the reporter in contempt for refusing to reveal her source Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • source — Source, Origo, Scaturigo, Scatebra, Caput riuulorum, a surgendo. La source d une lignée, là ou toute la lignée rapporte son commencement, Genus. La source dont vient tout le mal, Seminarium. La source dont procede quelque tristesse, Fons moeroris …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • source — [sôrs] n. [ME sours < OFr sourse < pp. of sourdre, to rise < L surgere: see SURGE] 1. a spring, fountain, etc. that is the starting point of a stream 2. that from which something comes into existence, develops, or derives [the sun is our …   English World dictionary

  • Source — Source, n. [OE. sours, OF. sourse, surse, sorse, F. source, fr. OF. sors, p. p. of OF. sordre, surdre, sourdre, to spring forth or up, F. sourdre, fr. L. surgere to lift or raise up, to spring up. See {Surge}, and cf. {Souse} to plunge or swoop… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Source — [sɔ:s] die; <aus engl. source »Quelle«, dies über altfr. surse zu lat. surgere »entstehen«> die Eingangselektrode beim Feldeffekttransistor …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • source — ► NOUN 1) a place, person, or thing from which something originates. 2) a spring or other place from which a river or stream issues. 3) a person, book, or document that provides information or evidence. ► VERB ▪ obtain from a particular source.… …   English terms dictionary

  • Source — (fr., spr. Surs), 1) die Quelle, der Ursprung; bes. 2) die Handelsquelle (wo eine Waare aus der ersten Hand bezogen wird) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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