binary-coded digit

binary-coded digit
двоично-кодированная цифра

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "binary-coded digit" в других словарях:

  • binary coded decimal — binary coded decimal, a system of coding numbers in binary units used in programming computers and in higher mathematics. Each decimal digit is represented by four binary digits. Example: 234 is represented in binary coded decimal by 0010 0011… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Binary-coded decimal — In computing and electronic systems, binary coded decimal (BCD) is a digital encoding method for numbers using decimal notation, with each decimal digit represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD, a numeral is usually represented by four bits …   Wikipedia

  • binary-coded decimal system — /buy neuh ree koh did, ner ee / a numerical system in which each decimal digit is represented by a unique collection of binary digits, not necessarily the same as those used in binary notation. Abbr.: BCD * * * …   Universalium

  • binary-coded decimal — noun An encoding for decimal numbers in which each digit is represented by its own binary sequence, simplifying conversion from binary to decimal. Syn: BCD …   Wiktionary

  • binary coded decimal —    Abbreviated BCD. A simple system for converting decimal numbers into binary form, in which each decimal digit is converted into binary and then stored as a single character …   Dictionary of networking

  • binary-coded decimal system — /buy neuh ree koh did, ner ee / a numerical system in which each decimal digit is represented by a unique collection of binary digits, not necessarily the same as those used in binary notation. Abbr.: BCD …   Useful english dictionary

  • BCD (binary coded decimal) — A&V A coding system in which each decimal digit from 0 to 9 is represented by four binary (0 or 1) digits …   Audio and video glossary

  • Binary numeral system — Numeral systems by culture Hindu Arabic numerals Western Arabic (Hindu numerals) Eastern Arabic Indian family Tamil Burmese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian numerals Chinese Japanese Suzhou Korean Vietnamese …   Wikipedia

  • Binary clock — A binary clock is a clock which displays traditional sexagesimal time in a binary format. Originally, it showed each decimal digit of sexagesimal time as a binary value, but presently true binary clocks also exist. Most binary clocks are digital …   Wikipedia

  • Binary code — The word Wikipedia represented in ASCII binary. A binary code is a way of representing text or computer processor instructions by the use of the binary number system s two binary digits 0 and 1. This is accomplished by assigning a bit string to… …   Wikipedia

  • Bi-quinary coded decimal — is a numeral encoding scheme used in many abacuses and in some early computers, including the Colossus. The term bi quinary indicates that the code comprises both a two state ( bi ) and a five state ( quin ary) component. The encoding resembles… …   Wikipedia

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