sound carrier frequency

sound carrier frequency
частота несущей звукового сопровождения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "sound carrier frequency" в других словарях:

  • sound carrier frequency — garso nešlio dažnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. sound carrier frequency vok. Tonträgerfrequenz, f rus. несущая частота звука, f pranc. fréquence de la porteuse de son, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • sound carrier frequency sweep — garso nešlio dažnio švytavimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. sound carrier frequency sweep vok. Tonträgerhub, m rus. качание частоты несущей звукового сопровождения, n pranc. balayage de fréquence de porteuse de son, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Sound from ultrasound — Contents 1 Parametric array 2 Applications 2.1 Commercial advertising …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency modulation — See also: Amplitude modulation In telecommunications, frequency modulation (FM) conveys information over a carrier wave by varying its frequency (contrast this with amplitude modulation, in which the amplitude of the carrier is varied while its… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency modulation synthesis — In audio and music frequency modulation synthesis (or FM synthesis) is a form of audio synthesis where the timbre of a simple waveform is changed by frequency modulating it with a modulating frequency that is also in the audio range, resulting in …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency mixer — This article is about non linear mixing operating in the frequency domain. For other types of mixers, see electronic mixer. Frequency Mixer Symbol. In electronics a mixer or frequency mixer is a nonlinear electrical circuit that creates new… …   Wikipedia

  • frequency — Synonyms and related words: AF, CPS, EHF, HF, Hz, MF, RF, SHF, UHF, VHF, VLF, amplitude, antinode, audio frequency, carrier frequency, crest, cycles, de Broglie wave, diffraction, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, extremely high… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Sound effect — For the album by The Jam, see Sound Affects. Sound effects or audio effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds, or sound processes used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video …   Wikipedia

  • Quadraphonic sound — 4 channels Quadraphonic label Quadraphonic (or Quadrophonic sometimes Quadrasonic) sound – the most widely used early term for what is now called 4.0 surround sound – uses four channels in which speakers are positioned at the four corners of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Multichannel television sound — Multichannel television sound, better known as MTS (often still as BTSC, for the Broadcast Television Systems Committee that created it), is the method of encoding three additional channels of audio into an NTSC format audio carrier. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • T-carrier — In telecommunications, T carrier, sometimes abbreviated as T CXR , is the generic designator for any of several digitally multiplexed telecommunications carrier systems originally developed by Bell Labs and used in North America, Japan, and Korea …   Wikipedia

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