binary scale

binary scale
1) двоичная шкала

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "binary scale" в других словарях:

  • Binary scale — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • binary scale — binary scale, = binary notation. (Cf. ↑binary notation) …   Useful english dictionary

  • binary scale circuit — dvejetainė perskaičiavimo grandinė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. binary scale circuit; scale of two circuit vok. binärer Untersetzer, m rus. двоичная пересчётная схема, f pranc. démultiplicateur binaire, m; démultiplicateur de… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • binary scale — /baɪnəri ˈskeɪl/ (say buynuhree skayl) noun → binary number system …  

  • binary scale — dichotomous s …   Medical dictionary

  • Binary — Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Binary arithmetic — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Binary compound — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Binary logarithms — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Binary measure — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Binary nomenclature — Binary Bi na*ry, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things). [1913 Webster] {Binary arithmetic}, that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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