binary relation

binary relation
бинарное отношение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "binary relation" в других словарях:

  • Binary relation — Relation (mathematics) redirects here. For a more general notion of relation, see Finitary relation. For a more combinatorial viewpoint, see Theory of relations. In mathematics, a binary relation on a set A is a collection of ordered pairs of… …   Wikipedia

  • binary relation — noun A relation, such as is less than or is the daughter of , that makes statements about pairs of objects, these statements being true or false depending on the objects …   Wiktionary

  • Relation algebra — is different from relational algebra, a framework developed by Edgar Codd in 1970 for relational databases. In mathematics, a relation algebra is a residuated Boolean algebra supporting an involutary unary operation called converse. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Relation — may refer to:*Relation, a person to whom one is related, i.e. a family member (see also Kinship) *Relation (mathematics), a generalization of arithmetic relations, such as = and …   Wikipedia

  • Relation (mathematics) — This article sets out the set theoretic notion of relation. For a more elementary point of view, see binary relations and triadic relations. : For a more combinatorial viewpoint, see theory of relations. In mathematics, especially set theory, and …   Wikipedia

  • Binary operation — Not to be confused with Bitwise operation. In mathematics, a binary operation is a calculation involving two operands, in other words, an operation whose arity is two. Examples include the familiar arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction,… …   Wikipedia

  • Relation reduction — In logic and mathematics, relation reduction and relational reducibility have to do with the extent to which a given relation is determined by an indexed family or a sequence of other relations, called the relation dataset . The relation under… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary set — A binary set is a set with (exactly) two distinct elements, or, equivalently, a set whose cardinality is two.Examples: * The set { a , b } is binary. * The set { a , a } is not binary, since it is the same set as { a }, and is thus a singleton.In …   Wikipedia

  • relation — Philosophically relations are interesting because of the historic prejudice, given its most forceful expression by Leibniz, that they are somehow ‘unreal’ compared to the intrinsic, monadic properties of things. A way of putting the idea is that… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Binary star — For the hip hop group, see Binary Star (band). Hubble image of the …   Wikipedia

  • Binary heap — Example of a complete binary max heap Example of a complete binary min heap A binary …   Wikipedia

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