
1) раствор
2) растворение
3) электролит
4) матем. решение
in the bulk solution — внутри [в объёме\] раствора;
to go into solution — переходить в раствор
acidic solution
acid solution
adhesive solution
alcoholic solution
alkaline solution
ambiguous solution
anodizing solution
antioffset solution
aqua-ammonia solution
aqueous solution
azeotropic solution
base solution
basic solution
battery solution
bleaching solution
bonding solution
brine solution
buffer solution
buffered solution
bulk solution
checking solution
check solution
chemical solution
cleaning solution
cleansing solution
clear solution
colloidal solution
color process solution
color-former solution
complex solution
concentrated solution
coring solid solution
decontaminating solution
dejacketing solution
developing solution
diazo solution
diluted solution
dilute solution
disinfectant solution
disordered solid solution
dispersoid solution
doctor solution
dosimeter solution
electrolytic solution
engineering solution
epitaxial solution
etchant solution
etch solution
fat solution
fiber-forming solution
fixing solution
formaldehyde solution
fountain solution
frosting solution
fuel solution
general solution
gravity solution
growth solution
ideal solution
impregnating solution
insect repellent solution
interstitial solid solution
leaching solution
leach solution
lead solution
lean solution
limed sugar solution
liquid solution
molal solution
molar solution
molasses solution
molecular solution
monobath solution
mother solution
mud solution
nickel solution
nonaqueous solution
nonideal solution
nonmoderation solution
normal solution
null solution
oil-naphtha solution
oversaturated solution
parametric solution
partial solution
periodic solution
physical solution
pickle solution
pickling solution
pregnant solution
preservative solution
priming solution
processed-rod solution
processing solution
reaction solution
regenerant solution
regenerating solution
replenishing solution
roll coolant solution
rubber solution
saline solution
singular solution
smoke solution
sodium plumbite solution
solid solution
solution of equation
solution of triangles
spent solution
spillage solutions
spinning solution
stable solution
striking solution
stripping solution
strong solution
substitutional solid solution
sugar solution
supernormal solution
supporting solution
treating solution
trigonometric solution
true solution
unambiguous solution
unique solution
variational solution
viscose solution
volumetric solution
washing solution
water solution
weak solution
Wiys solution
zinc solution

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "solution" в других словарях:

  • solution — [ sɔlysjɔ̃ ] n. f. • déb. XIIIe; soluciun « explication » 1119; lat. solutio, de solvere I ♦ 1 ♦ Opération mentale qui, en substituant une pluralité analysable à un ensemble complexe d éléments entremêlés, parvient à surmonter une difficulté, à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Solution — So*lu tion (s[ o]*l[=u] sh[u^]n), n. [OE. solucion, OF. solucion, F. solution, fr. L. solutio, fr. solvere, solutum, to loosen, dissolve. See {Solve}.] 1. The act of separating the parts of any body, or the condition of undergoing a separation of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • solution — UK US /səˈluːʃən/ noun [C] ► a way to solve a problem or deal with a difficult situation: a solution to/for sth »Education is seen as a solution to the state s economic and employment problems. find/have/offer a solution »She can not find a… …   Financial and business terms

  • solution — Solution. s. f. v. Denoüement d une difficulté. Donnez la solution de cet argument, de cette difficulté. la solution est bonne, n est pas bonne. On appelle, Solution de continuité, La division d un corps continu. Il se dit principalement des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • solution — [sə lo͞o′shən] n. [ME solucion < OFr < L solutio < solutus: see SOLUTE] 1. a) the act, method, or process of solving a problem b) the answer to a problem c) an explanation, clarification, etc. [the solution of a mystery] d) …   English World dictionary

  • solution — I (answer) noun clarification, decipherment, determination, eludication, explanation, explicatio, explication, exposition, finding, illumination, interpretation, key. reason, resolution, right answer, solutio associated concepts: equitable… …   Law dictionary

  • solution — [n1] answer, resolution Band Aid*, clarification, elucidation, explanation, explication, key, pay dirt*, quick fix*, result, solving, the ticket*, unfolding, unraveling, unravelment; concepts 230,661,712 Ant. doubt, problem, quandary, question,… …   New thesaurus

  • solution — Solution, ou payement, Solutio. Solution ou dissolution de mariage, Solutum coniugium vel abruptum …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Solution — (lat.), Lösung (s.d.) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • solution — late 14c., a solving or being solved, from O.Fr. solucion, from L. solutionem (nom. solutio) a loosening or unfastening, also a solving, from pp. stem of solvere to loosen, untie, solve, dissolve (see SOLVE (Cf. solve)). Meaning liquid containing …   Etymology dictionary

  • solution — ► NOUN 1) a means of solving a problem. 2) the correct answer to a puzzle. 3) a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent). 4) the process of dissolving or the state… …   English terms dictionary

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