- binary base
вчт. двоичное основание
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Binary prefix — Prefixes for bit and byte multiples Decimal Value SI 1000 k kilo 10002 M mega … Wikipedia
Binary economics — is a heterodox theory of economics that endorses both private property and a free market but proposes significant reforms to the banking system. The aim of binary economics is to ensure that all individuals receive income from their own… … Wikipedia
Binary — means composed of two parts or two pieces . It contrasts with Unary, Ternary, Quaternary, and so on.Binary may also refer to:* Binary option, also known as digital option OR all or nothing option * Binary numeral system, a representation for… … Wikipedia
Binary Coded Decimal — Pour les articles homonymes, voir BCD. Le binary coded decimal (BCD), qui peut se traduire en français par décimal codé en binaire, est un système de numération utilisé en électronique pour coder des nombres d une façon relativement proche de la… … Wikipédia en Français
Binary Large Object — Le BLOB, pour (en) Binary Large OBject, est un type de donnée permettant le stockage de données binaires (le plus souvent des fichiers de type image, son ou video) dans le champ d une table d une base de données. Articles connexes CLOB … Wikipédia en Français
binary — [bī′nə rē] adj. [ME binarie < L binarius < bini, two by two < bis, double < IE * duis < base * dwōu , TWO] 1. made up of two parts or things; twofold; double 2. designating or of a number system in which the base used is two, each… … English World dictionary
Binary space partitioning — (BSP) is a method for recursively subdividing a space into convex sets by hyperplanes. This subdivision gives rise to a representation of the scene by means of a tree data structure known as a BSP tree.In simpler words, it is a method of breaking … Wikipedia
Base 36 — is a positional numeral system using 36 as the radix. The choice of 36 is convenient in that the digits can be represented using the Arabic numerals 0 9 and the Latin letters A Z. Base 36 is therefore the most compact case insensitive… … Wikipedia
binary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) composed of or involving two things. 2) using or denoting a system of numbers with two as its base, employing the digits 0 and 1. ► NOUN (pl. binaries) 1) the binary system of notation. 2) Astronomy a system of two stars revolving… … English terms dictionary
Binary Format for Scene — (BIFS) Le langage BIFS est un format binaire pour du contenu multimedia en deux ou trois dimensions. Le langage BIFS est basé sur le langage de description d univers virtuels en 3 dimensions VRML auquel on a ajouté des particularités comme la… … Wikipédia en Français
Binary numeral system — Numeral systems by culture Hindu Arabic numerals Western Arabic (Hindu numerals) Eastern Arabic Indian family Tamil Burmese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian numerals Chinese Japanese Suzhou Korean Vietnamese … Wikipedia