solar cooling system
Смотреть что такое "solar cooling system" в других словарях:
Solar Cooling — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Praktische Anwendung, Beispiele, Beschreibung der Verfahren, Oma Test Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst. Bei der sola … Deutsch Wikipedia
Solar hot water — is water heated by the use of solar energy. Solar heating systems are generally composed of solar thermal collectors, a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to its point of usage. The system may use electricity for pumping the fluid,… … Wikipedia
Solar air conditioning — refers to any air conditioning (cooling) system that uses solar power. This can be done through passive solar, photovoltaic conversion (sun to electricity), or solar thermal energy conversion. The U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of… … Wikipedia
Solar thermal energy — Solar thermal system for water heating in Santorini, Greece … Wikipedia
Solar energy — is the light and radiant heat from the Sun that powers Earth s climate and weather and sustains life. Since ancient times it has been harnessed for human use through a range of technologies. Solar radiation along with secondary solar resources… … Wikipedia
Solar power in South Asia — Solar power is a viable means of generating energy in South Asia. South Asia has the ideal combination of both high solar insolation [ [http://www.energie 100.htm#1 2 101 Energy Atlas Solar radiation] ] and a high density of… … Wikipedia
Solar hot water in Australia — Solar hot water is heated using natural energy from the sun. Solar energy heats up large panels called thermal collectors. The energy is transferred through a fluid (often water) to a reservoir tank for storage and subsequent use. It is then used … Wikipedia
Solar Probe Plus — Artist s concept of NASA s Solar Probe Plus Operator NASA / Applied Physics Laboratory Mission type Orbiter … Wikipedia
Solar combisystem — Sustainable energy Renewable energy … Wikipedia
Solar collector — A solar collector is a device for extracting the energy of the sun not indirectly into a more usable or storable form. The energy in sunlight is in the form of electromagnetic radiation from the infrared (long) to the ultraviolet (short)… … Wikipedia
Solar micro-inverter — A solar micro inverter: the Enphase M190 in the process of being installed. The ground wire is attached to the lug and the panel s DC connections are attached to the cables on the lower right. The AC parallel trunk cable runs at the top (just… … Wikipedia