bin store

bin store
1) запас, хранимый в бункерах
2) бункерное хранение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bin store" в других словарях:

  • bin — Brit. noun 1》 a receptacle in which to deposit rubbish.     ↘a capacious receptacle for storing a specified substance.     ↘a partitioned stand for storing bottles of wine. 2》 Statistics each of a series of ranges of numerical value into which… …   English new terms dictionary

  • store — [n1] collection, supply abundance, accumulation, backlog, cache, fount, fountain, fund, hoard, inventory, lode, lot, mine, nest egg*, plenty, plethora, provision, quantity, reserve, reservoir, savings, spring, stock, stockpile, treasure, wares,… …   New thesaurus

  • bin — /bin/, n., v., binned, binning. n. 1. a box or enclosed place for storing grain, coal, or the like. v.t. 2. to store in a bin. [bef. 950; ME binne, OE binn(e) crib, perh. < Celt; cf. Welsh benn cart] * * * (as used in expressions) bin Laden Osama …   Universalium

  • bin — [bin] n. [ME < OE, manger, crib < Celt, as in Welsh benn, cart, orig., cart with woven wicker body < IE base * bhendh : see BIND] a box or other receptacle, or an enclosed space, esp. for storing foods or other articles for a time vt.… …   English World dictionary

  • bin card — store card A card attached to each site or bin in which individual items of stock are stored to record the receipts, issues, and balances of each item of stock in units. The bin card balance should indicate the physical stock available at any… …   Accounting dictionary

  • bin card — store card A card attached to each site or bin in which individual items of stock are stored to record the receipts, issues, and balances of each item of stock in units. The bin card balance should indicate the physical stock available at any… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • bin — 01. He tied up the newspapers and took them out to the recycling [bin]. 02. Please put your homework in the plastic [bin] on the table before you leave class today. 03. One of the most common accidents which occur aboard airliners is when a… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • store — Synonyms and related words: Indian reservation, acceptation, acception, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, acquiescence, afford, aggregate, amass, archives, armory, arsenal, assemble, assurance, assuredness, attic, backlog, bag, bank, bank on …   Moby Thesaurus

  • bin — I. /bɪn / (say bin) noun 1. a box or enclosed space used for storing grain, wool as it is shorn, coal, refuse, etc. 2. a container for rubbish or waste material. 3. a partitioned stand used by a winemaker for storing wine in bottles. 4. (of wine) …  

  • bin — [[t]bɪ̱n[/t]] bins, binning, binned 1) N COUNT A bin is a container that you put rubbish in. [mainly BRIT] He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin. (in AM, usually use , trash can) 2) N COUNT: oft n N A bin is a container that you… …   English dictionary

  • BIN — n. & v. n. a large receptacle for storage or for depositing rubbish. colloq. (binned, binning) store or put in a bin. Phrases and idioms: bin end one of the last bottles from a bin of wine, usu. sold at a reduced price. bin liner a bag (usu …   Useful english dictionary

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