soil creep

soil creep
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "soil creep" в других словарях:

  • soil creep — noun : slow down slope movement of earth materials under the influence of gravitation * * * Geol. creep of soil on even slopes; often accelerated by spring freeze and thaw or general periglacial conditions. Cf. creep (def. 17a). [1895 1900] * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • soil creep — Geol. creep of soil on even slopes; often accelerated by spring freeze and thaw or general periglacial conditions. Cf. creep (def. 17a). [1895 1900] * * * …   Universalium

  • soil creep —   slow mass movement of soil downslope due to outward expansions brought on by water infiltration which lead to downward movements under gravity as water moves out of the soil …   Geography glossary

  • soil creep —    (not preferred)    refer to creep …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • soil creep — /ˈsɔɪl krip/ (say soyl kreep) noun slow, almost imperceptible, down slope movement of soil under the influence of gravity …  

  • soil — soil1 soilless, adj. /soyl/, n. 1. the portion of the earth s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus. 2. a particular kind of earth: sandy soil. 3. the ground as producing vegetation or as cultivated for its crops: fertile soil. 4. a… …   Universalium

  • creep —    The mass movement process, surficial sediments (creep deposit), or landform that results from very slow downslope mass wasting of unconsolidated earthy material driven primarily by gravity, but facilitated by water saturation and by and freeze …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Creep — may refer to: CREEP, the Committee for the Re Election of the President, associated with the Watergate scandal of U.S. president Nixon s administration. Creep (project management), the jeopardizing of a project s initial objectives by an increase …   Wikipedia

  • creep — [krēp] vi. crept, creeping [ME crepen < OE creopan, to creep, lit., go bent down; akin to Swed krypa < IE base * ger : see CRADLE] 1. to move along with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees 2. to move slowly, stealthily,… …   English World dictionary

  • creep — creepingly, adv. /kreep/, v., crept, creeping, n. v.i. 1. to move slowly with the body close to the ground, as a reptile or an insect, or a person on hands and knees. 2. to approach slowly, imperceptibly, or stealthily (often fol. by up): We… …   Universalium

  • creep — [[t]krip[/t]] v. crept or, sometimes, creeped; creep•ing, n. 1) to move slowly with the body close to the ground, on hands and knees, or the like 2) to approach slowly and stealthily (often fol. by up) 3) to advance slowly and often with… …   From formal English to slang

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