- software architecture
архитектура программного обеспечения; программная архитектура
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Software architecture — The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships between them. The term also… … Wikipedia
Software Architecture Analysis Method — (SAAM) is a method used in software architecture to evaluate a system architecture. It was the first documented software architecture analysis method, and was developed in the mid 1990s to analyze a system for modifiability, but it is useful for… … Wikipedia
Software architecture recovery — is a set of methods for the extraction of architectural information from lower level representations of a software system, such as source code. The abstraction process to generate architectural elements frequently involves clustering source code… … Wikipedia
Software Architecture Analysis Method — SAAM ist ein Akronym für Software Architecture Analysis Method . Das Verfahren wurde von Rick Kazman, Gregory Abowd, Len Bass und Paul Clements entwickelt. (Diese Abkürzung wird auch im militärischen Bereich für Surface to Air Anti missile… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Functional Software Architecture — A Functional Software Architecture (FSA) is an architectural model that identifies enterprise functions, interactions and corresponding IT needs. These functions can be used as reference by different domain experts to develop IT systems as part… … Wikipedia
AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture — Die AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture (AGESA) ist eine Software Bibliothek, welche validierte Prozessorprozeduren enthält. Mit Hilfe dieser Microcode Sammlung kann die AMD64 Technik in verschiedene Produkte integriert werden. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Virtual Instrument Software Architecture — Virtual Instrument Software Architecture, commonly known as VISA, is a widely used I/O API in the Test Measurement industry for communicating with instruments from a PC. VISA is an industry standard implemented by several T M (Test Measurement)… … Wikipedia
Virtual Instrument Software Architecture — Pour les articles homonymes, voir VISA. Virtual Instrument Software Architecture, appelé généralement VISA, est une interface de programmation largement utilisée dans le domaine de l instrumentation et l industrie du test et de la mesure. VISA… … Wikipédia en Français
Logical Integrated Software Architecture — Logical Integrated Software Architecture, LISA … Universal-Lexikon
Architecture Logicielle — L’architecture logicielle décrit d’une manière symbolique et schématique les différents composants d’un ou de plusieurs systèmes informatiques, leurs interrelations et leurs interactions. Contrairement aux spécifications produites par l’analyse… … Wikipédia en Français
Software documentation — or source code documentation is written text that accompanies computer software. It either explains how it operates or how to use it, and may mean different things to people in different roles. Contents 1 Role of documentation in software… … Wikipedia