bimorph cell

bimorph cell
биморфный пьезоэлемент

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bimorph cell" в других словарях:

  • bimorph cell — [bī′môrf΄] n. 〚 BI 1 + Gr morphē, form〛 Electronics a piezoelectric transducer consisting of two crystals cemented together, used in microphones, headphones, loudspeakers, etc. to convert vibrations into a voltage output or to convert a signal… …   Universalium

  • bimorph cell — [bī′môrf΄] n. [ BI 1 + Gr morphē, form] Electronics a piezoelectric transducer consisting of two crystals cemented together, used in microphones, headphones, loudspeakers, etc. to convert vibrations into a voltage output or to convert a signal… …   English World dictionary

  • bimorph cell — bi|morph «BY mrf», noun, or bimorph cell, a rigid structure of two quartz or other crystals cemented together, and caused to bend when a potential makes one crystal expand and the other contract. A bimorph is used to activate loudspeakers and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bi|morph — «BY mrf», noun, or bimorph cell, a rigid structure of two quartz or other crystals cemented together, and caused to bend when a potential makes one crystal expand and the other contract. A bimorph is used to activate loudspeakers and various… …   Useful english dictionary

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