Смотреть что такое "snowing" в других словарях:
Snowing — Snow Snow, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Snowed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Snowing}.] To fall in or as snow; chiefly used impersonally; as, it snows; it snowed yesterday. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
snowing — snəʊ n. precipitation that falls as ice crystals; accumulation of frozen ice particles; snowstorm; white static on a television screen caused by poor signal reception; cocaine, heroin (Slang) v. fall as snow; fall like snow; cover with snow,… … English contemporary dictionary
SNOWING — … Useful english dictionary
snowing down south — (it s) American the hem of your petticoat is showing An oblique warning to the wearer. Petticoats are normally white … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
it's raining/snowing — the weather is rainy or snowy Whenever we visit Vancouver, it s raining … English idioms
Donner Party timeline — provides an almost day to day basic description of events directly associated with the 1840s Donner Party pioneers, covering the journey from Illinois to California 2,500 miles (4,023 kilometers), over the Great Plains, two mountain ranges, and… … Wikipedia
Traian Demetrescu — Traian Rafael Radu Demetrescu Born December 5, 1866(1866 12 05) Craiova, Principality of Romania Died April 9, 1896(18 … Wikipedia
Inuit grammar — The Inuit language, like other Eskimo Aleut languages, has a very rich morphological system, in which a succession of different morphemes are added to root words to indicate things that, in languages like English, would require several words to… … Wikipedia
snow — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy, thick ▪ fine, light ▪ The plants were covered in fine snow. ▪ deep ▪ … Collocations dictionary
sneigʷh- — sneigʷh English meaning: to snow; snow, *rain Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schneien, (sich) zusammen ballen” Note: Root sneigʷh : “to snow; snow” derived from a zero grade (*suu̯ etos, *su̯eri̯ō) : O.Ind. sunō ti “ squeezed, pressed “ … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Charlie and Lola — are characters created by author Lauren Child. The siblings were originally introduced in a series of books that were later made into a television series. Despite being primarily aimed at children aged 3–7, the books and shows are popular with… … Wikipedia