Смотреть что такое "snapshot" в других словарях:
Snapshot — may refer to:* Snap shot, a shot from a firearm that is aimed and fired quickly * Snapshot (photography), a photograph that is taken in a short moment of opportunity * Snap shot (ice hockey), a shot type in Ice hockey * Snapshot algorithm, a… … Wikipedia
Snapshot — (от английского слова snap shot, что в дословном переводе значит выстрел навскидку): В фотографии Snapshot фотокросс (фотоконкурс с временными и тематическими ограничениями). В информатике Snapshot снимок файловой системы моментальный снимок,… … Википедия
Snapshot — steht für: Snapshot (Satellit) (militärische Bezeichnung OPS 4682), experimenteller Technologiesatellit der United States Air Force Snapshot (Film), Film aus dem Jahr 1979 Siehe auch: Schnappschuss (Begriffsklärung) … Deutsch Wikipedia
snapshot — UK US /ˈsnæpʃɒt/ noun [C] INFORMAL ► the way that a particular figure or set of figures gives an understanding of a situation at a particular time: »Credit rating agencies provide a snapshot of the risks an investment poses at any one time … Financial and business terms
Snapshot — Snap shot , n. 1. Commonly … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
snapshot — also snap shot, 1808, a quick shot with a gun, without aim, at a fast moving target, from SNAP (Cf. snap) + SHOT (Cf. shot) (n.). Photographic sense is attested from 1890 … Etymology dictionary
snapshot — ► NOUN ▪ an informal photograph, taken quickly … English terms dictionary
snapshot — [snap′shät΄] n. 1. a hurried shot fired with little or no aim 2. an informal photograph, usually intended for private use, taken with a small camera … English World dictionary
Snapshot — La palabra snapshot puede referirse a: Snapshot. Es un formato de archivo de Microsoft Access. Snapshot o copia instantánea de volumen. Es una función de algunos sistemas que realizan copias de seguridad de ficheros almacenándolos tal y como… … Wikipedia Español
snapshot — snap|shot [ˈsnæpʃɔt US ʃa:t] n 1.) a photograph taken quickly and often not very skilfully = ↑snap snapshot of ▪ a snapshot of his girlfriend 2.) a piece of information that quickly gives you an idea of what the situation is like at a particular… … Dictionary of contemporary English
snapshot — 1. noun a) A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a moment of opportunity. He carried a snapshot of his daughter. b) A glimpse of something; a portrayal of something at a moment in time. The article offered a snapshot of life in that… … Wiktionary