SMPTE time code

SMPTE time code
временной код СМПТЕ

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "SMPTE time code" в других словарях:

  • SMPTE time code — A&V Time code that conforms to SMPTE standards. It consists of an eight digit number specifying hours:minutes:seconds:frames. Each number identifies one frame on a videotape. SMPTE time code may be of either the drop frame or non drop frame type …   Audio and video glossary

  • SMPTE time code — SMPTE timecode is a set of cooperating standards to label individual frames of video or film with a timecode defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in the SMPTE 12M specification. Timecodes are added to film, video or… …   Wikipedia

  • SMPTE Time Code — F/A/V Also known as Longitudinal Time Code. A high frequency signal that allows the accurate locking of film audio and video equipment. Locator information is displayed as numbers …   Audio and video glossary

  • Time-code (indicateur) — Timecode (temporel) Mire de barre et Timecode incrusté Le Timecode a été développé à l origine pour la télévision à l époque du noir et blanc. Ce qui explique ses limites. le TC est une forme de metadata. Le time code est une référence temporelle …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Time code — A time code is a sequence of numeric codes generated at regular intervals by a timing system. Time codes are used extensively for synchronization, and for logging material in recorded media. SOM is also a related term (in the broadcast industry)… …   Wikipedia

  • time code — F/A/V a method of numbering video frames according to SMPTE standards; the 8 digit address representing hour, minute, second, and frame, recorded on the videotape s control track. TV Synchronization system, like a clock recorded on your videotape …   Audio and video glossary

  • SMPTE timecode — is a set of cooperating standards to label individual frames of video or film with a time code defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in the SMPTE 12M specification. SMPTE revised the standard in 2008, turning it into a …   Wikipedia

  • SMPTE color bars — Color bar redirects here. For the political issue, see racial segregation. Rendition of SMPTE color bars. Note that due to technical issues, notably full I and Q modulations as well as the super black in the PLUGE of the signal, true SMPTE color… …   Wikipedia

  • SMPTE — F/A/V Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. VP Sosciety of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. This long standing group of film and TV engineers develop industry standards. HD Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers …   Audio and video glossary

  • SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) — A&V • A professional organization that sets standards for American television. • A color difference video format that uses a variation of the Y, R Y signal set. • A time code (see SMPTE time code) …   Audio and video glossary

  • SMPTE-Timecode — Der SMPTE Timecode (Zeitcode) ist ein von der Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) eingeführter Timecode im Fernseh , Hörfunk und Studiobereich, der Geräte unterschiedlicher Hersteller und beliebiger Video und Audiotechniken …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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