- slow(-neutron) reactor
ядерный реактор на тепловых нейтронах
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
slow neutron reactor — lėtųjų neutronų reaktorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. slow neutron reactor; slow reactor vok. langsamer Reaktor, m; Langsamneutronenreaktor, m rus. реактор на медленных нейтронах, m pranc. réacteur à neutrons lents, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
slow neutron — slow neutron, adj. Physics. a neutron with low kinetic energy, esp. one slowed by the moderator in a nuclear reactor. [1930 35] * * * ▪ physics neutron whose kinetic energy is below about 1 electron volt (eV), which is equal to 1.60217646… … Universalium
slow neutron — slow neutron, adj. Physics. a neutron with low kinetic energy, esp. one slowed by the moderator in a nuclear reactor. [1930 35] … Useful english dictionary
slow reactor — lėtųjų neutronų reaktorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. slow neutron reactor; slow reactor vok. langsamer Reaktor, m; Langsamneutronenreaktor, m rus. реактор на медленных нейтронах, m pranc. réacteur à neutrons lents, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Neutron Capture Therapy of Cancer — Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) is a noninvasive therapeutic modality for treating locally invasive malignant tumors such as primary brain tumors and recurrent head and neck cancer. It is a two step procedure: first, the patient is injected with a… … Wikipedia
Neutron — This article is about the subatomic particle. For other uses, see Neutron (disambiguation). Neutron The quark structure of the neutron. (The color assignment of individual quarks is not important, only that all three colors are present.)… … Wikipedia
Neutron moderator — Currently operating nuclear power reactors by moderator Moderator Reactors Design Country none (fast) 1 BN 600 Russia (1) graphite 29 AGR, Magnox, RBMK United Kingdom (18), Russia (11) heavy water 29 CANDU … Wikipedia
Neutron temperature — A chart displaying the speed probability density functions of the speeds of a few noble gases at a temperature of 298.15 K (25 C). An explanation of the y axis label appears on the image page (click to see). Similar speed distributions are… … Wikipedia
slow — adj., adv., & v. adj. 1 a taking a relatively long time to do a thing or cover a distance (also foll. by of: slow of speech). b not quick; acting or moving or done without speed. 2 gradual; obtained over a length of time (slow growth). 3 not… … Useful english dictionary
Neutron flux — The neutron flux is a quantity used in reactor physics corresponding to the total length travelled by all neutrons per unit time and volume [1]. The neutron fluence is defined as the neutron flux integrated over a certain time period. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
neutron optics — ▪ physics branch of physics dealing with the theory and applications of the wave behaviour (wave particle duality) of neutrons (neutron), the electrically neutral subatomic particles that are present in all atomic nuclei except those of… … Universalium