- slow-motion
тлв замедленное воспроизведение; замедление (режим воспроизведения)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
slow motion — noun uncount action in a film or television program that is shown more slowly than the real speed: in slow motion: Let s watch the situation again in slow motion. a. only before noun used about action that is shown in slow motion: a slow motion… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Slow Motion — puede referirse a: Slow motion: cámara lenta Slow Motion (álbum): álbum de Supertramp, así como canción homónima contenida allí. Material musical del grupo Ultravox: Slow Motion (sencillo de Ultravox): Sencillo lanzado en 1978, que contiene la… … Wikipedia Español
slow motion — n [U] movement on film or television shown at a slower speed than it really happened in slow motion ▪ Let s see that goal again in slow motion … Dictionary of contemporary English
slow motion — n. 1. slow motion movement or action 2. an effect using slow motion photography or video techniques … English World dictionary
Slow Motion — bezeichnet: Zeitlupe, eine Methode, die Bewegungsabläufe verlangsamt darstellt Slow Motion (Album), ein Studio Album der britischen Pop /Rockband Supertramp Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehre … Deutsch Wikipedia
Slow Motion — Slow Mo|tion [...mouʃən] die; <aus gleichbed. engl. slow motion, zu motion »Bewegung«>: a) Zeitlupe; b) in Zeitlupe abgespielter Film[ausschnitt] … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
slow-motion — slow′ mo′tion adj. 1) sbz photographed or appearing in slow motion 2) proceeding at a strikingly slow rate • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
slow motion — index languor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
slow motion — ► NOUN ▪ the action of showing film or video more slowly than it was made or recorded, so that the action appears much slower than in real life … English terms dictionary
slow-motion — [slōmō′shən] adj. 1. moving or operating below usual or normal speed 2. designating a film or taped TV sequence in which the action is made to appear slower than the actual action by exposing more frames per second than is usual and projecting… … English World dictionary
Slow motion — This article is about the filmmaking effect. For other uses, see Slow Motion (disambiguation). Slow motion (commonly abbreviated as slowmo) is an effect in film making whereby time appears to be slowed down. It was invented by the Austrian priest … Wikipedia