Смотреть что такое "slipstream" в других словарях:
Slipstream — (englisch: Windschatten) bezeichnet: Slipstreaming, Integration von Dateien auf ein Microsoft Windows oder Microsoft Office Installationsmedium Slipstream (1989), amerikanischer Spielfilm mit Mark Hamill Slipstream (2005), amerikanischer Science… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Slipstream — (Dinner Plain,Австралия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 3025 Bogong Lane, 3898 Dinner Plain, Ав … Каталог отелей
slipstream — ► NOUN 1) a current of air or water driven back by a revolving propeller or jet engine. 2) the partial vacuum created in the wake of a moving vehicle. 3) an assisting force regarded as drawing something along in its wake. ► VERB ▪ follow in the… … English terms dictionary
slipstream — also slip stream, 1913, from SLIP (Cf. slip) + STREAM (Cf. stream) … Etymology dictionary
slipstream — [slip′strēm΄] n. the current of air thrust backward by the spinning propeller of an aircraft; propeller wash … English World dictionary
Slipstream — A slipstream is a region of reduced pressure produced behind an object as it moves through a fluid medium (usually air) or as that medium moves around an object. It is caused because the progress of the object forces the particles of the medium… … Wikipedia
Slipstream — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Slipstream », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Le mot anglais slipstream en physique… … Wikipédia en Français
Slipstream — La palabra inglesa «slipstream» puede referirse a: el proceso de slipstream, que es la integración de actualizaciones, parches, service packs, etc, con los archivos de instalación originales del software, de modo que los archivos resultantes… … Wikipedia Español
slipstream — [[t]slɪ̱pstriːm[/t]] slipstreams 1) N COUNT: usu the N The slipstream of a fast moving object such as a car, plane, or boat is the flow of air directly behind it. Snow and ice will not collect during flight because of the slipstream of air around … English dictionary
slipstream — 1. noun the low pressure zone immediately following a rapidly moving object, caused by turbulence 2. verb a) To take advantage of the suction produced by a slipstream by travelling immediately behind the slipstream generator. Although dangerous,… … Wiktionary
slipstream — UK [ˈslɪpˌstriːm] / US [ˈslɪpˌstrɪm] noun [countable] Word forms slipstream : singular slipstream plural slipstreams the flow of air behind a vehicle or aircraft that is moving very fast … English dictionary