- bifocal lens
двухфокусная (бифокальная) линза
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
bifocal lens — a lens with two principal focal lengths: the upper part of the lens gives a sharp image of distant objects and the lower part gives a sharp image of near objects, as when reading. Examples are bifocal spectacles, bifocal contact lenses, and… … Medical dictionary
bifocal lens — a lens with two principal focal lengths: the upper part of the lens gives a sharp image of distant objects and the lower part gives a sharp image of near objects, as when reading. Examples are bifocal spectacles, bifocal contact lenses, and… … The new mediacal dictionary
Bifocal — Bi fo cal, n. [Pref. bi + focal.] a bifocal lens. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lens — The transparent structure inside the eye that focuses light rays onto the retina (the nerve layer that lines the back of the eye, senses light and creates impulses that go through the optic nerve to the brain). The lens was named after the lentil … Medical dictionary
lens — n. 1) (in anatomy) the transparent crystalline structure situated behind the pupil of the eye and enclosed in a thin transparent capsule. It helps to refract incoming light and focus it onto the retina. See also: accommodation 2) (in optics) a… … The new mediacal dictionary
bifocal — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ denoting a lens having two parts each with a different focal length, one for distant and one for near vision. ► NOUN (bifocals) ▪ a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses … English terms dictionary
bifocal — ☆ bifocal [bī fō′kəl, bī′fō΄kəl ] adj. adjusted to two different focal lengths n. a lens, esp. for eyeglasses, with one part ground for close focus, as for reading, and the other ground for distance … English World dictionary
bifocal — Having two foci. * * * bi·fo·cal ( )bī fō kəl adj 1) having two focal lengths 2) having one part that corrects for near vision and one for distant vision <a bifocal eyeglass lens> bifocal n 1) a bifocal glass or lens 2) bifocals pl… … Medical dictionary
bifocal — I. adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1888 1. having two focal lengths 2. having one part that corrects for near vision and one for distant vision < a bifocal eyeglass lens > II. noun Date: 1899 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
bifocal — /buy foh keuhl, buy foh /, adj. 1. Chiefly Optics. having two foci. 2. (of an eyeglass or contact lens) having two portions, one for near and one for far vision. n. 3. bifocals, bifocal eyeglasses or contact lenses. [1885 90, Amer.; BI 1 + FOCAL] … Universalium
bifocal — adjective denoting a lens having two parts each with a different focal length, one for distant and one for near vision. noun (bifocals) a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses … English new terms dictionary