- slave system
подчинённая система
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
slave system — pavaldžioji sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. slave system vok. abhängiges System, n; untergeordnetes System, n rus. подчиненная система, f pranc. système esclave, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Slave system, India — Was there any slavery in Assam? The essence to validate and answer this million dollar question arose, when I have confronted with a few scholars in New Delhi. History says that there was (and is) not any slavery in Assam. The broad overview of… … Wikipedia
Master-Slave-System — I Master Slave System [dt. »Meister Sklave System«], eine Organisationsform, bei der die Steuerung eines Prozesses und die Abarbeitung der untergeordneten Tätigkeiten getrennt und auf verschiedene Komponenten verteilt werden. Die Master… … Universal-Lexikon
Nutrition in the American Slave System — The importance of a balanced diet cannot be overstated. A balanced diet provides natural disease prevention, weight control and proper sleep. balanced diet also enables you to live longer. A balanced diet is also important because it enables you… … Wikipedia
Master-Slave-System — Mas|ter Slave Sys|tem [ mɑ:stə sleiv...] das; s <zu engl. slave »Sklave«> Aufgabenteilung in Rechnersystemen, bei der einem größeren Rechner mindestens ein kleinerer, zuverlässig arbeitender Rechner zugeteilt wird (EDV) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Slave narrative — The slave narrative is a literary form which grew out of the experience of enslaved Africans in Britain and the its colonies. Some six thousand former slaves from North America (including Canada, the United States and the Caribbean) gave an… … Wikipedia
Slave rebellion — A slave rebellion is an armed uprising by slaves. Slave rebellions have occurred in nearly all societies that practice slavery, and are amongst the most feared events for slaveholders. Famous historic slave rebellions have been led by Denmark… … Wikipedia
Slave — I Slave [englisch, sleɪv; wörtlich »Sklave«], Bezeichnung für ein elektronisches Gerät, das in seiner Funktion von einem übergeordneten System (Master) gesteuert wird. So gelten z. B. alle Synthesizer, Expander und Effektgeräte, die innerhalb… … Universal-Lexikon
slave´like´ — slave «slayv», noun, verb, slaved, slav|ing, adjective. –n. 1. a person who is the property of another. Slaves were once bought and sold like horses in the United States. »We ll visit Caliban, my slave (Shakespeare). 2. Figurative. a) … Useful english dictionary
Master/slave system — Система «ведущий … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Slave clock — In telecommunication, a slave clock is a clock that is coordinated with a master clock. Slave clock coordination is usually achieved by phase locking the slave clock signal to a signal received from the master clock. To adjust for the transit… … Wikipedia