slab board

slab board
пластина (пиломатериал)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "slab board" в других словарях:

  • SLAB — index part (portion) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 SLAB …   Law dictionary

  • slab — [n] chunk of solid object bar, billet, bit, board, boulder, chip, cut, cutting, hunk, ingot, lump, muck, piece, plate, portion, rod, slice, stave, stick, stone, strip, wedge; concepts 471,835 …   New thesaurus

  • Board game — A board game is a game in which counters or pieces that are placed on, removed from, or moved across a board (a premarked surface usually specific to that game). As do other form of entertainment, board games can represent nearly any subject.… …   Wikipedia

  • board — boardable, adj. boardlike, adj. /bawrd, bohrd/, n. 1. a piece of wood sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness. 2. a flat slab of wood or other material for some specific purpose: a cutting board. 3. a sheet… …   Universalium

  • board — /bɔd / (say bawd) noun 1. a piece of timber sawn thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness. 2. (plural) Theatre the stage. 3. a. Also, shearing board. in a shearing shed, the clear part of the floor on which the… …  

  • board — [[t]bɔrd, boʊrd[/t]] n. 1) bui a long rectangular piece of wood sawed thin 2) bui a flat slab of wood or other hard material for some specific purpose: a cutting board; a diving board[/ex] 3) a sheet of wood, cardboard, etc., often with markings …   From formal English to slang

  • board — Synonyms and related words: American Stock Exchange, Amex, Areopagus, British Cabinet, C ration, K ration, L, R, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, Wall Street, aboard, accommodate, accommodation, accommodations, acting area, advisers, advisory body,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • board — n. & v. n. 1 a a flat thin piece of sawn timber, usu. long and narrow. b a piece of material resembling this, made from compressed fibres. c a thin slab of wood or a similar substance, often with a covering, used for any of various purposes… …   Useful english dictionary

  • board — n . plank, beam, timber, scantling, two by four; strip, lath, panel, sheet, slab; clapboard, wall board, siding, flooring, planking, lumber, wood. 2. room and board, lodging and meals; daily meals, food, Sl. eats, Inf. grub, victuals, provisions …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • slab — Synonyms and related words: bar, beam, billet, board, boarding, chunk, clapboard, coat, coating, collop, cord, cordwood, covering, cut, deal, disk, driftwood, feuille, film, firewood, flap, foil, fold, glop, gunk, hardwood, hunk, ingot, lamella,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • board — bɔːd n. plank, slab; management committee; printed circuit board which connects to a slot in a computer (Computers); food v. cover with planks; get on, go aboard (train, etc.); accommodate, house; be accommodated, be housed …   English contemporary dictionary

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