- single-wire system
однопроводная система
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
single wire system — Lighting circuit which uses car frame for return ground line … Dictionary of automotive terms
Single-wire earth return — (SWER) or single wire ground return is a single wire transmission line for supplying single phase electrical power from an electrical grid to remote areas at low cost. It is principally used for rural electrification, but also finds use for… … Wikipedia
Single-wire transmission line — A single wire transmission line (or single wire method) is a method of supplying electrical power through a single wired electrical conductor. Single wire earth return (SWER) or single wire ground returns today supply single phase electrical… … Wikipedia
Single-Wire Earth Return — Unter dem englischen Begriff Single Wire Earth Return (abgekürzt SWER) wird in der elektrischen Energietechnik eine Form von Stromnetz verstanden, welches der elektrischen Versorgung von ausgedehnten, ländlichen Gebieten dient und sich durch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
single-connector system — An electrical circuit, where only one wire comes from the voltage source to the load. To complete the circuit, the electricity uses the metal body of the vehicle … Dictionary of automotive terms
single wire circuit — An electrical system in which the hot line is in a wire, but the ground line uses the frame … Dictionary of automotive terms
Single-phase electric power — In electrical engineering, single phase electric power refers to the distribution of alternating current electric power using a system in which all the voltages of the supply vary in unison. Single phase distribution is used when loads are mostly … Wikipedia
System bus — Example of a single system computer bus A system bus is a single computer bus that connects the major components of a computer system. The technique was developed to reduce costs and improve modularity. It combines the functions of a data bus to… … Wikipedia
single-ended SCSI — A Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus wiring scheme that uses a single wire for each signal transmitted on the bus. Used more often than differential SCSI. See also differential SCSI;Small Computer System Interface … Dictionary of networking
Single molecule electronics — is a branch of molecular electronics that uses single molecules as electronic components. Because single molecules constitute the smallest stable structures imaginable this miniaturization is the ultimate goal for shrinking electrical circuits.… … Wikipedia
Wire transfer — or credit transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or institution (entity) to another. A wire transfer can be made from one bank account to another bank account or through a transfer of cash at a cash office. Wire… … Wikipedia