single-stage compressor

single-stage compressor
одноступенчатый компрессор

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "single-stage compressor" в других словарях:

  • single-stage compressor — A centrifugal compressor having a single impeller wheel, with vanes either on one or on both sides of the wheel. Also, an axial flow compressor with one row of rotor blades and one row of stator blades. Axial flow compressors are normally… …   Aviation dictionary

  • single-stage compressor — Compressor having only one compressive step between inlet and outlet …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • compressor, single-stage — Compressor having only one compressive step between low side pressure and high side pressure …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • stage — i. In turbine engines, a single turbine wheel having a number of turbine blades. See turbine. ii. In axial flow compressors, one disc of rotor blades and the following set of stator vanes. One stage of compressor. iii. One complete element of a… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Gas compressor — A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are… …   Wikipedia

  • Axial compressor — Axial compressors are rotating, aerofoil based compressors in which the working fluid principally flows parallel to the axis of rotation. This is in contrast with centrifugal, axi centrifugal and mixed flow compressors where the air may enter… …   Wikipedia

  • Scroll compressor — A scroll compressor (also called spiral compressor , scroll pump and scroll vacuum pump) is a device for compressing air or refrigerant. It is used in air conditioning equipment, as an automobile supercharger (where it is known as a scroll type… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital scroll compressor technology — improves the performance of a scroll compressor. Inside a scroll compressor, there are 2 components called scroll sets. The 2 scrolls mesh against each other in the compressor. There are several pockets that are formed when the scrolls mesh with… …   Wikipedia

  • centrifugal compressor — A compressor in which the airflow is radial air flows to the center of the impeller and is slung outward by the centrifugal force into the diffuser, where its velocity is decreased and its pressure increased. A centrifugal compressor is robust,… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Nord Stage — 88 (rear) The Nord Stage is a digital keyboard or stage piano manufactured by Clavia Digital Music Instruments of Stockholm, Sweden. The Nord Stage builds on the success of the Nord Electro 2, whose accurate emulations of vintage… …   Wikipedia

  • Rotary screw compressor — A rotary screw compressor is a type of gas compressor which uses a rotary type positive displacement mechanism. The mechanism for gas compression utilises either a single screw element or two counter rotating intermeshed helical screw elements… …   Wikipedia

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