single-sideband transmitter

single-sideband transmitter
передатчик с одной боковой полосой, однополосный передатчик

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "single-sideband transmitter" в других словарях:

  • single-sideband transmitter — vienšalės juostos siųstuvas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. single sideband transmitter vok. Einseitenbandsender, m rus. однополосный передатчик, m pranc. émetteur à bande latérale unique, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Single-sideband suppressed-carrier transmission — Single sideband suppressed carrier (SSB SC) is a telecommunication technique, which belongs to the Amplitude modulation class.The information represented by the modulating signal is contained in both the upper and the lower sidebands. Since each… …   Wikipedia

  • Single-sideband modulation — (SSB) is a refinement of amplitude modulation that more efficiently uses electrical power and bandwidth. It is closely related to vestigial sideband modulation (VSB) (see below).Amplitude modulation produces a modulated output signal that has… …   Wikipedia

  • single sideband — single sideband, Radio. a transmitter or system that uses only one of the two sidebands of a frequency, eliminating the carrier signal completely. A single sideband permits more frequencies to exist and requires less space between them …   Useful english dictionary

  • Amplitude-companded single-sideband modulation — ACSSB (amplitude companded single sideband) is a narrowband modulation method using a single sideband with a pilot tone, allowing an expander in the receiver to restore the amplitude that was severely compressed by the transmitter. This mode… …   Wikipedia

  • Sideband — The power of an AM signal plotted against frequency. Key: fc is the carrier frequency, fm is the maximum modulation frequency In radio communications, a sideband is a band of frequencies higher than or lower than the carrier frequency, containing …   Wikipedia

  • Transmitter Hamburg-Billstedt — The Transmitter Hamburg Billstedt is a broadcasting facility in Hamburg Billstedt, established in 1934. It is owned and operated by the Norddeutscher Rundfunk public broadcasting service, but open to competitors, too.From 1934 to 1949 it used as… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio transmitter design — In plate modulation systems the voltage delivered to the stage is changed. As the power output available is a function of the supply voltage, the output power is modulated. This can be done using a transformer to alter the anode (plate) voltage.… …   Wikipedia

  • Collins 207B-1 Transmitter — Collins 207B in the transmitting room aboard the USCG Courier. The Collins 207B 1 was a radio transmitter manufactured in 1951 by Collins Radio Company. Specifications The 207B 1 was capable of 35 kilowatts of RF output in amplitude modulation… …   Wikipedia

  • Hammarlund — The Hammarlund Manufacturing Company, founded by Oscar Hammarlund in New York City, New York, USA in 1910, initially designed and produced short wave radio equipment. HistoryThe first Hammarlund plant was a loft operation engaged in radio… …   Wikipedia

  • Einseitenbandsender — vienšalės juostos siųstuvas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. single sideband transmitter vok. Einseitenbandsender, m rus. однополосный передатчик, m pranc. émetteur à bande latérale unique, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

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