single-frame camera

single-frame camera
аппарат для покадровой киносъёмки

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "single-frame camera" в других словарях:

  • Half-frame camera — A half frame camera is a camera using a film format at half the intended exposure format. A common variety is the 18x24mm format on regular 135 film. It is the normal exposure format on 35mm movie cameras. For still cameras using the 35mm film,… …   Wikipedia

  • Frame rate — Frame rate, or frame frequency, is the measurement of the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames. The term applies equally well to computer graphics, video cameras, film cameras, and motion… …   Wikipedia

  • Camera Link — is a serial communication protocol designed for computer vision applications based on the National Semiconductor interface Channel Link. It was designed for the purpose of standardizing scientific and industrial video products including cameras,… …   Wikipedia

  • frame — [frām] vt. framed, framing [ME framen < frame, a structure, frame, prob. < ON frami, profit, benefit, akin to frama, to further < fram, forward (akin to OE fram, FROM); some senses < OE framian, to be helpful: see FURNISH] 1. to shape …   English World dictionary

  • Single-lens reflex camera — The single lens reflex (SLR) camera uses an automatic moving mirror system which permits the photographer to see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system, as opposed to non SLR cameras where the view through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Camera — For other uses, see Camera (disambiguation). Various cameras A camera is a device that records and stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura… …   Wikipedia

  • Single bullet theory — The Single Bullet Theory (or Magic Bullet Theory, as it is commonly called by its critics) was introduced by the Warren Commission to explain how three shots made by Lee Harvey Oswald resulted in the assassination of United States President John… …   Wikipedia

  • Frame grabber — A frame grabber is an electronic device that captures individual, digital still frames from an analog video signal or a digital video stream. It is usually employed as a component of a computer vision system, in which video frames are captured in …   Wikipedia

  • frame —   refers to a single image, the smallest compositional unit of a film s structure, captured by the camera on a strip of motion picture film similar to an individual slide in still photography; a series of frames juxtaposed and shown in rapid… …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • History of the single-lens reflex camera — The history of the single lens reflex camera predates the invention of photography in 1826/27 by one and a half centuries with the use of a reflex mirror in a camera obscura first described in 1676. Such SLR devices were popular as drawing aids… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital camera — Digicam redirects here. For the military camouflauge method using micropatterns, see Military camouflage#Digital camouflauge. A digital camera (or digicam) is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images… …   Wikipedia

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