- single service
одиночная подводка, одиночный абонентский ввод
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
single-service manager — A component commander, designated by the combatant commander, who has been assigned responsibility and delegated the authority to coordinate specific theater personnel support activities such as theater postal operations. See also component … Military dictionary
Service Oriented Programming — (SOP) is a programming paradigm that uses services as the unit of computer work, to design and implement integrated business applications and mission critical software programs. Services can represent steps of business processes and thus one of… … Wikipedia
Service (economics) — A service is the non material equivalent of a good. A service provision is an economic activity that does not result in ownership, and this is what differentiates it from providing physical goods. It is claimed to be a process that creates… … Wikipedia
Single-wire earth return — (SWER) or single wire ground return is a single wire transmission line for supplying single phase electrical power from an electrical grid to remote areas at low cost. It is principally used for rural electrification, but also finds use for… … Wikipedia
Single sign-on — (SSO) is a property of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. With this property a user logs in once and gains access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them. Single sign off is the… … Wikipedia
Service-oriented architecture implementation framework — Service oriented architectures (SOA) are based on the notion of software services, which are high level software components that include web services. Implementation of an SOA requires tools as well as run time infrastructure software. This is… … Wikipedia
Single-payer health care — is an American term describing the payment for doctors, hospitals and other providers of health care from a single fund. The Canadian health care system, the British National Health Service, Australia s Medicare, and Medicare in the U.S. for the… … Wikipedia
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) — Single par Beyoncé extrait de l’album I Am... Sasha Fierce Sortie 8 octobre 2008 (Radio) 13 octobre 2008 (Clip) 11 novembre 2008 (CD Single) Enregistrement … Wikipédia en Français
Single Ladies — (Put a Ring on It) Сингл Бейонсе Выпущен 8 октября 2008r. (Radio) 14 октября 2008r. (Музыкальный клип) Формат CD • Download … Википедия
Single parent — is a term that is mostly used to suggest that one parent has most of the day to day responsibilities in the raising of the child or children, which would categorize them as the dominant caregiver. The dominant caregiver is the parent in which the … Wikipedia
Single-Sign-On — (engl. single sign on)(kurz SSO, mitunter als „Einmalanmeldung“ übersetzt) bedeutet, dass ein Benutzer nach einer einmaligen Authentifizierung auf alle Rechner und Dienste, für die er berechtigt ist, zugreifen kann, ohne sich jedes Mal neu… … Deutsch Wikipedia