- simple variable
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Variable Data Intelligent Postscript Printware — (FreeFlow VI Suite (VIPP)) is an open language from Xerox that enables highest performance output of personalized (variable data) PostScript documents [http://vippsupport.xerox.com/eve VIPP Support Forum] VIPP was originally called XGF and it is… … Wikipedia
Variable aleatoire — Variable aléatoire réelle Un exemple de variable aléatoire : la fonction qui associe au résultat du jet de deux dés la somme de leurs valeurs Une variable aléatoire réelle est une variable aléatoire à valeurs dans , ou une partie de … Wikipédia en Français
Simple Network Management Protocol — (SNMP) forms part of the internet protocol suite as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SNMP is used in network management systems to monitor network attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention. It… … Wikipedia
Variable valve timing — Variable valve timing, or VVT, is a generic term for an automobile piston engine technology. VVT allows the lift or duration or timing (some or all) of the intake or exhaust valves (or both) to be changed while the engine is in operation. Two… … Wikipedia
Variable retention — is a relatively new silvicultural system that follows nature s model by always retaining a significant part of the forest after harvesting. Variable retention harvests serve to promote desired natural regeneration while preserving unique features … Wikipedia
Variable data printing — (VDP) (also known as variable information printing (VIP) or VI) is a form of on demand printing in which elements such as text, graphics and images may be changed from one printed piece to the next, without stopping or slowing down the printing… … Wikipedia
Variable geo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Variable Geo Variable Geo (ヴァリアブル・ジオ), también conocido como V.G. es un juego de lucha V.S. en 2D creado por Giga y Technical Group Laboratory (TGL) para el PC 9800 de NEC en 1993. Es un juego de lucha aparentemente… … Wikipedia Español
Variable Geo — (ヴァリアブル・ジオ), también conocido como V.G., es un juego de lucha V.S. en 2D creado por Giga y Technical Group Laboratory (TGL) para el PC 9800 de NEC en 1993. Es un juego de lucha aparentemente convencional con tan sólo 6 personajes seleccionables,… … Wikipedia Español
Variable envelope return path — (VERP) is a technique used by some electronic mailing list software to enable automatic detection and removal of undeliverable e mail addresses. It works by using a different return path (also called envelope sender ) for each recipient of a… … Wikipedia
Variable régionalisée — La VR comme phénomène physique : topographie de la ville de Binche … Wikipédia en Français
Simple Network Management Protocol — SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Netzwerkverwaltung Neueste Version: SNMPv3 Ports: 161/UDP 162/UDP (Trap) SNMP im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel … Deutsch Wikipedia