- signal-separation filter
канальный фильтр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Separation principle — In control theory, a Separation principle (more formally known as a Principle of separation of estimation and control ) states that under some assumptions the problem of designing an optimal feedback controller for a stochastic system can be… … Wikipedia
Anti-aliasing filter — An anti aliasing filter is a filter used before a signal sampler, to restrict the bandwidth of a signal to approximately satisfy the sampling theorem. Since the theorem states that unambiguous interpretation of the signal from its samples is… … Wikipedia
Kalman filter — Roles of the variables in the Kalman filter. (Larger image here) In statistics, the Kalman filter is a mathematical method named after Rudolf E. Kálmán. Its purpose is to use measurements observed over time, containing noise (random variations)… … Wikipedia
Nonlinear filter — A nonlinear filter is a signal processing device whose output is not a linear function of its input. Terminology concerning the filtering problem may refer to the time domain (state space) showing of the signal or to the frequency domain… … Wikipedia
Bayer filter — The Bayer arrangement of color filters on the pixel array of an image sensor … Wikipedia
Kalman-Bucy-Filter — Das Kalman Filter ist ein nach seinem Entdecker Rudolf E. Kálmán benannter Satz von mathematischen Gleichungen. Mithilfe dieses Filters sind bei Vorliegen lediglich fehlerbehafteter Beobachtungen Rückschlüsse auf den exakten Zustand von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kalman-Filter — Das Kalman Filter ist ein nach seinem Entdecker Rudolf E. Kálmán benannter Satz von mathematischen Gleichungen. Mithilfe dieses Filters sind bei Vorliegen lediglich fehlerbehafteter Beobachtungen Rückschlüsse auf den Zustand von vielen der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kálmán-Filter — Das Kalman Filter ist ein nach seinem Entdecker Rudolf E. Kálmán benannter Satz von mathematischen Gleichungen. Mithilfe dieses Filters sind bei Vorliegen lediglich fehlerbehafteter Beobachtungen Rückschlüsse auf den exakten Zustand von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Color filter array — The Bayer color filter mosaic. Each two by two submosaic contains 2 green, 1 blue and 1 red filter, each covering one pixel sensor. In photography, a color filter array (CFA), or color filter mosaic (CFM), is a mosaic of tiny color filters placed … Wikipedia
Lyot filter — A Lyot filter, named for its inventor Bernard Lyot, is a type of optical filter that uses birefringence to produce a narrow passband of transmitted wavelengths. Lyot filters are often used in astronomy, particularly for solar astronomy.A Lyot… … Wikipedia
Weighting filter — A weighting filter is used to emphasise or suppress some aspects of a phenomenon compared to others, for measurement or other purposes. Contents 1 Audio application … Wikipedia