signal unit

signal unit
головка светофора

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "signal unit" в других словарях:

  • Distress signal unit — A Distress Signal Unit, or D.S.U , is a piece of equipment used by firefighters while working in hazardous areas. Normally used in conjunction with breathing apparatus, it is a small, battery powered item attached to the breathing apparatus… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal Corps (United States Army) — U.S. Army Signal Corps Coat of Arms Active 3 March 1863 – Present Country …   Wikipedia

  • Unit 8200 — installation on Mount Avital Unit 8200 (Hebrew: יחידה 8200‎, Yehida Shmoneh Matayim) is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence and code decryption. It also appears in military publications as the Central …   Wikipedia

  • Signal timing — is the technique which traffic engineers use to determine who has the right of way at an intersection. Signal timing involves deciding how much green time the traffic lights shall provide at an intersection approach, how long the pedestrian WALK… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit generator — Unit Generators (or ugens ) are the basic formal unit in many MUSIC N style computer music programming languages. They are sometimes called opcodes (particularly in Csound), though this expression is not accurate in that these are not machine… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal box — A signal box or signal cabin is a building from which railway signals and points are controlled. The term signal cabin is used in Ireland, parts of Scotland and in Australia while in North America, the term interlocking tower predominates.… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal peptide — A signal peptide is a short (3 60 amino acids long) peptide chain that directs the post translational transport of a protein. Signal peptides may also be called targeting signals, signal sequences, transit peptides, or localization signals. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal transfer function — The signal transfer function (SiTF) is a measure of the signal output versus the signal input of a system such as an infrared system or sensor. [cite book | title = The Optical Transfer Function of Imaging Systems | author = Tom L. Williams |… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit testing — In computer programming, unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal recognition particle — NOTOC protein Name = signal recognition particle 9kDa caption = width = HGNCid = 11304 Symbol = SRP9 AltSymbols = EntrezGene = 6726 OMIM = 600707 RefSeq = NM 003133 UniProt = P49458 PDB = ECnumber = Chromosome = 1 Arm = q Band = 42.12… …   Wikipedia

  • UNIT dating controversy — The UNIT dating controversy is an ongoing debate in Doctor Who fandom, concerning exactly when the stories featuring the fictional military organization known as United Nations Intelligence Taskforce or more recently as the Unified Intelligence… …   Wikipedia

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