sieve floor

sieve floor
ситовый ярус

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "sieve floor" в других словарях:

  • Legendre sieve — In mathematics, the Legendre sieve is the simplest method in modern sieve theory. It applies the concept of the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find upper or lower bounds on the number of primes within a given set of integers. Because it is a simple… …   Wikipedia

  • Criba de Eratóstenes — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La criba de Eratóstenes es un algoritmo que permite hallar todos los números primos menores que un número natural dado N. Se forma una tabla con todos los números naturales comprendidos entre 2 y N y se van tachando… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prime number — Prime redirects here. For other uses, see Prime (disambiguation). A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiplication algorithm — A multiplication algorithm is an algorithm (or method) to multiply two numbers. Depending on the size of the numbers, different algorithms are in use. Efficient multiplication algorithms have existed since the advent of the decimal system.… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnoliidae — ▪ plant subclass Introduction       subclass of woody or herbaceous flowering plants belonging to the class Magnoliopsida.       Members of the Magnoliidae are dicotyledonous plants that retain some primitive anatomic and morphological… …   Universalium

  • AGRICULTURAL LAND-MANAGEMENT METHODS AND IMPLEMENTS IN ANCIENT EREẒ ISRAEL — Ereẓ Israel is a small country with a topographically fragmented territory, each geographical region having a distinctive character of its own. These regions include: the coastal plain, the lowlands, the hilly country, the inland valleys, the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Ethmoid bone — An irregularly shaped bone that provides the floor of the front part of the skull and the roof of the nose. The ethmoid bone consists of two masses of thin plates enclosing air cells and looks like a sieve. The word ethmoid comes from two Greek… …   Medical dictionary

  • plate — 1. [TA] In anatomy, a thin, relative flat, structure. SYN: lamina [TA]. 2. A metal bar perforated for screws applied to a fractured bone to maintain the ends in apposition. 3. The agar layer within a Petri dish or similar …   Medical dictionary

  • Sandpainting — Rangoli, a popular form of Indian sandpainting, in Singapore. Sandpainting is the art of pouring colored sands, powdered pigments from minerals or crystals, and pigments from other natural or synthetic sources onto a surface to make a fixed, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Serbian Christmas traditions — An icon representing the Nativity of Jesus Christ. The Serbian Orthodox Church uses the traditional Julian Calendar. From 1900 until 2100, the Julian calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian and therefore Serbian Christmas Day falls on 7 January… …   Wikipedia

  • Hobby horse — This article is about costumed characters that appear in various customs, processions and ceremonies. For other uses, see Hobby horse (disambiguation) The term hobby horse is used, principally by folklorists, to refer to the costumed characters… …   Wikipedia

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