side of inequality

side of inequality
часть неравенства

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "side of inequality" в других словарях:

  • Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means — In mathematics, the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means, or more briefly the AM GM inequality, states that the arithmetic mean of a list of non negative real numbers is greater than or equal to the geometric mean of the same list; and… …   Wikipedia

  • Inequality — In mathematics, an inequality is a statement about the relative size or order of two objects, or about whether they are the same or not (See also: equality) *The notation a < b means that a is less than b . *The notation a > b means that a is… …   Wikipedia

  • inequality — /in i kwol i tee/, n., pl. inequalities. 1. the condition of being unequal; lack of equality; disparity: inequality of size. 2. social disparity: inequality between the rich and the poor. 3. disparity or relative inadequacy in natural endowments …   Universalium

  • Hölder's inequality — In mathematical analysis Hölder s inequality, named after Otto Hölder, is a fundamental inequality between integrals and an indispensable tool for the study of Lp spaces. Let (S, Σ, μ) be a measure space and let 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞ with… …   Wikipedia

  • Ky Fan inequality — In mathematics, the Ky Fan inequality is an inequality involving the geometric mean and arithmetic mean of two sets of real numbers of the unit interval. The result was published on page 5 of the book Inequalities by Beckenbach and Bellman (1961) …   Wikipedia

  • Prékopa-Leindler inequality — In mathematics, the Prékopa Leindler inequality is an integral inequality closely related to the reverse Young s inequality, the Brunn Minkowski inequality and a number of other important and classical inequalities in analysis. The result is… …   Wikipedia

  • Jensen's inequality — In mathematics, Jensen s inequality, named after the Danish mathematician Johan Jensen, relates the value of a convex function of an integral to the integral of the convex function. It was proved by Jensen in 1906 [Jensen, J. Sur les fonctions… …   Wikipedia

  • CHSH inequality — In physics, the CHSH Bell test is an application of Bell s theorem, intended to distinguish between the entanglement hypothesis of quantum mechanics and local hidden variable theories. CHSH stands for John Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony… …   Wikipedia

  • Gibbs' inequality — In information theory, Gibbs inequality is a statement about the mathematical entropy of a discrete probability distribution. Several other bounds on the entropy of probability distributions are derived from Gibbs inequality, including Fano s… …   Wikipedia

  • Kraft's inequality — In coding theory, Kraft s inequality, named after Leon Kraft, gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a uniquely decodable code for a given set of codeword lengths. Its applications to prefix codes and trees often find use …   Wikipedia

  • Nesbitt's inequality — In mathematics, Nesbitt s inequality is a special case of the Shapiro inequality. It states that for positive real numbers a, b and c we have: Contents 1 Proof 1.1 First proof …   Wikipedia

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