- side chain compound
соединение с боковой цепью; соединение с функциональной группой в боковой цепи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Open-chain compound — In chemistry, an open chain compound (also spelled as open chain compound) or acyclic compound is a compound with a linear structure, rather than a cyclic one. [1] An open chain compound having no side chains is called a straight chain compound… … Wikipedia
chain — Synonyms and related words: Alps, Andes, Caucasus, Himalayas, Indian file, Kekule formula, Oregon boat, Rockies, accouple, accumulate, accumulative, additive, additory, agglutinate, alps on alps, alternation, amass, anchor, andiron, anklet,… … Moby Thesaurus
Chain — (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain belt — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain boat — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain bolt — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain bond — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain bridge — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain cable — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain coral — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chain coupling — Chain Chain (ch[=a]n), n. [F. cha[^i]ne, fr. L. catena. Cf. {Catenate}.] 1. A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English