short-term [short-time] stability

short-term [short-time] stability
кратковременная стабильность

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "short-term [short-time] stability" в других словарях:

  • short-time stability — trumpalaikis stabilumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. short term stability; short time stability vok. Kurzzeitkonstanz, f; Kurzzeitstabilität, f rus. кратковременная стабильность, f pranc. stabilité à court terme, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • short-term stability — trumpalaikis stabilumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. short term stability; short time stability vok. Kurzzeitkonstanz, f; Kurzzeitstabilität, f rus. кратковременная стабильность, f pranc. stabilité à court terme, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Short (finance) — Schematic representation of short selling in two steps. The short seller borrows shares and immediately sells them. He then waits, hoping for the stock price to decrease, when the seller can profit by purchasing the shares to return to the lender …   Wikipedia

  • short-term — Any investments with a maturity of one year or less. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * short term ˈshort term adjective 1. continuing for only a short time, or concerned only with the period of time that is not very far into the future: • Most …   Financial and business terms

  • Stability derivatives — are a means of linearising the equations of motion of an atmospheric flight vehicle so that conventional control engineering methods may be applied to assess their stability.The dynamics of atmospheric flight vehicles is potentially very… …   Wikipedia

  • Time to digital converter — In electronic instrumentation and signal processing, a time to digital converter (abbreviated TDC) is a device for converting a signal of sporadic pulses into a digital representation of their time indices. In other words, a TDC outputs the time… …   Wikipedia

  • Precambrian time — Interval of geologic time from с 3. 8 billion years ago, the age of the oldest known rocks, to 544 million years ago, the beginning of the Cambrian Period. This interval represents more than 80% of the geologic record and thus provides important… …   Universalium

  • Ecological stability — can take on any connotation in a continuum ranging from resilience (returning quickly to a previous state) to constancy (lack of change) to persistence (simply not going extinct). The precise definition depends on the ecosystem in question, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Just-in-time (business) — Just in time (JIT) is an inventory strategy implemented to improve the return on investment of a business by reducing in process inventory and its associated carrying costs. In order to achieve JIT the process must have signals of what is going… …   Wikipedia

  • Long-term potentiation — (LTP) is a persistent increase in synaptic strength following high frequency stimulation of a chemical synapse. Studies of LTP are often carried out in slices of the hippocampus, an important organ for learning and memory. In such studies,… …   Wikipedia

  • George W. Bush's second term as President of the United States — began at noon on January 20, 2005 and is due to expire with the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States at noon, Washington, D.C. time, on January 20, 2009.tated goalsBush s stated goals for his second term: # Major changes to the… …   Wikipedia

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