
1) цех
2) мастерская; (небольшой) завод
3) склад
4) швейн. секция сборки и окончательной отделки изделия
5) магазин
6) бригада стеклодувов
arc-furnace melting shop
arc-furnace shop
assembly shop
auto repair shop
blank production shop
blowing shop
boat-building shop
boat shop
bolt and rivet shop
calender shop
closed shop
CNC shop
computer shop
computerized machine shop
cooper's shop
electrical repair shop
engineering shop
erecting shop
fitting shop
fitting-out shop
floating shop
food shop
forging shop
frozen food shop
high-style shop
hull shop
instrument shop
jobbing shop
job shop
kiln shop
ladle-repair shop
locomotive shop
machine shop
mill guide shop
mine maintenance shop
mixture-preparation shop
molding shop
open shop
overhaul shop
painting shop
pipe control shop
pipe shop
polishing shop
press shop
printing shop
recapping shop
repairing shop
repair shop
roll shop
roll-turning shop
sagger shop
scene shop
stamping shop
staple product shop
test shop
tire repair shop
toolmaker's shop
trade shop
wheel shop
winding shop

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "shop" в других словарях:

  • shop — shop …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Shop — Shop, n. [OE. shoppe, schoppe, AS. sceoppa a treasury, a storehouse, stall, booth; akin to scypen a shed, LG. schup a shed, G. schoppen, schuppen, a shed, a coachhouse, OHG. scopf.] 1. A building or an apartment in which goods, wares, drugs, etc …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shop — n: a business establishment: a place of employment see also closed shop, open shop, union shop Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • shop — /shop/, n., v., shopped, shopping, interj. n. 1. a retail store, esp. a small one. 2. a small store or department in a large store selling a specific or select type of goods: the ski shop at Smith s. 3. the workshop of a craftsperson or artisan.… …   Universalium

  • shop — [shäp] n. [ME schoppe < OE sceoppa, booth, stall, akin to Ger schopf, porch < IE base * (s)keup , a bundle, sheaf of straw: prob. basic meaning “roof made of straw thatch”] 1. a) a place where certain goods or services are offered for sale; …   English World dictionary

  • .shop — Introduced 2000 TLD type Proposed generic top level domain Status Pending Registry Sponsor None Intended use e commer …   Wikipedia

  • Shop — may refer to:*A retail shop or store *An online shop *A workshop *A machine shop *A paint shop * To shop to go to a store or stores to buy goods * Shop class , an industrial arts educational program *The Shopi, a subgroup of the Bulgarians, Serbs …   Wikipedia

  • Shop — 〈[ ʃɔ̣p] m. 6〉 Geschäft, Laden (SexShop) [engl.] * * * Shop [ʃɔp ], der; s, s [engl. shop, über das Afrz. < mniederd. schoppe = Schuppen]: Laden, Geschäft. * * * Shop   [dt. »Kaufladen«], Electronic Shopping. * * * Shop [ʃɔp], der; s, s [engl …   Universal-Lexikon

  • shop — SHOP, shopuri, s.n. Magazin în care se vând mărfuri cu plata în valută. [pr.: şop] – Din engl. [tourist] shop. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  SHOP s.n. (Anglicism) Magazin, prăvălie. [< engl. shop]. Trimis de LauraGellner …   Dicționar Român

  • Shop — bezeichnet im Allgemeinen ein kleineres Einzelhandelsgeschäft oder einen virtuellen Marktplatz (E Shop). Spezielle Shops sind unter anderem: Coffee Shops, siehe Café Convenience Shops Coffee Shops (Niederlande), Headshops, Smartshops und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shop — ► NOUN 1) a building or part of a building where goods or services are sold. 2) a place where things are manufactured or repaired; a workshop. ► VERB (shopped, shopping) 1) go to a shop or shops to buy goods. 2) (shop around) …   English terms dictionary

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