- shivering
1) отслаивание (эмали)2) расслаивание (огнеупора)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Shivering — is a bodily function in response to early hypothermia in warm blooded animals. When the core body temperature drops, the shivering reflex is triggered. Muscle groups around the vital organs begin to shake in small movements in an attempt to… … Wikipedia
Shivering — (engl., spr. schiwwering, »Zittern«), in England ein krankhafter Zustand beim Pferde, der mit Muskelzittern und Schwäche im Kreuz verbunden ist, eine Erscheinung, die bei verschiedenen schweren Erkrankungen auftritt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Shivering — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 T88.5 Sonstige Komplikationen infolge Anästhesie Hypothermie nach Anästhesie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shivering — Shiver Shiv er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shivered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shivering}.] [OE. schiveren, scheveren; cf. OD. scheveren. See {Shiver} a fragment.] To break into many small pieces, or splinters; to shatter; to dash to pieces by a blow; as, to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shivering — noun The action of shivering. Generally speaking, the attack does not involve more inconvenience than this; but in some cases there are shiverings and flushings, cough, loss of appetite, and pain in the right side … Wiktionary
shivering — Trembling from cold or fear. * * * shivering n 1) an act or action of one that shivers 2) a constant abnormal twitching of various muscles in the horse that is prob. due to sensory nerve derangement * * * shiv·er·ing (shivґər ing)… … Medical dictionary
shivering — shiv·er·ing || ʃɪvÉ™rɪŋ n. act of shivering, act of quivering, act of trembling (from cold, fear, etc.) adj. shaking, shuddering, trembling, quaking shiv·er || ʃɪvÉ™(r) n. tremble, vibration, shudder; small fragment, splinter, sliver v.… … English contemporary dictionary
shivering — I noun a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑chill • Derivationally related forms: ↑shiver • Hypernyms: ↑symptom … Useful english dictionary
Shivering Spines — is a pop band from Jönköping, Sweden, who were active from 1988 to 1993The band won the PolyGram competition Rockband of the year 90 , and released a single on this label. The discussions with PolyGram seemed endless, so finally the band decided… … Wikipedia
Shivering Timbers — Daten Typ Holz sitzend Antriebsart {{{ANTRIEBSART}}} … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shivering Sands — ist ein Maunsell Fort in der Themsemündung vor der Südostküste Englands. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Gruppe von sieben Pontonplattformen, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die British Army gebaut wurden. Das Fort mit der Armeebezeichnung U7 wurde am … Deutsch Wikipedia