- sheer curve
линия кривизны палубы (на боковой проекции теоретического чертежа), линия седловатости
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
sheer — sheer1 [shir] vi. [var. of SHEAR, prob. infl. by Du or LowG scheren, to cut, deviate, warp away] to turn aside sharply from a course; swerve vt. to cause to sheer n. 1. a sudden change of course; abrupt turn; swerve 2. the oblique heading or… … English World dictionary
sheer — I [[t]ʃɪər[/t]] adj. er, est, adv. n. 1) transparently thin; diaphanous, as some fabrics: sheer stockings[/ex] 2) unmixed with anything else; unadulterated: sheer rock; sheer luck[/ex] 3) unqualified; utter: sheer nonsense[/ex] 4) extending down… … From formal English to slang
sheer´ness — sheer1 «shihr», adjective, adverb, noun. –adj. 1. very thin; almost transparent: »Sheer white curtains hung at the little windows to let in as much light as possible. 2. unmixed with anything else; complete: »sheer nonsense. She fainted from… … Useful english dictionary
Curve fitting — best fit redirects here. For placing ( fitting ) variable sized objects in storage, see fragmentation (computer). Curve fitting is the process of constructing a curve, or mathematical function, that has the best fit to a series of data points,… … Wikipedia
sheer — sheer1 sheerly, adv. sheerness, n. /shear/, adj., sheerer, sheerest, adv., n. adj. 1. transparently thin; diaphanous, as some fabrics: sheer stockings. 2. unmixed with anything else: We drilled a hundred feet through sheer rock … Universalium
sheer — I. /ʃɪə / (say shear) adjective 1. transparently thin; diaphanous, as fabrics, etc. 2. unmixed with anything else. 3. unqualified; utter: a sheer waste of time. 4. extending down or up very steeply: a sheer descent of rock. 5. Obsolete bright;… …
sheer — 1. adjective /ˈʃɪə,ʃɪr/ a) Very thin or transparent. Her light, sheer dress caught everyone’s attention. b) Pure; unmixed; being only what it seems to be. I think it is sheer genius to invent such a thing … Wiktionary
sheer — The longitudinal curve of a vessel s decks in a vertical plane. Due to sheer, a vessel s deck height above the baseline is higher at the stem and stern than at amidships … Dictionary of automotive terms
curve — Synonyms and related words: aberrancy, aberration, arc, arch, artful dodge, artifice, bag of tricks, bear off, bend, bend back, bias, blind, bluff, bosey, bow, bowl, branch off, branching off, cast, catacaustic, catch, catenary, caustic, change… … Moby Thesaurus
sheer — Synonyms and related words: aberrancy, aberration, about ship, abrupt, absolute, absolutely, airy, all embracing, all encompassing, all out, all pervading, angle, angle off, aplomb, arduous, arrant, at right angles, avert, back and fill, bare,… … Moby Thesaurus
sheer — I adj 1. transparently thin, diaphanous, translucent, filmy, gossamer, gossamery; naked, clear, crystal, glassy, hyaline. 2. simple, plain, pure, unadulterated, unmixed, unalloyed, unmingled; homogeneous, uniform; elemental, elementary. 3. utter … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder