shaped garment

shaped garment
трик. регулярное изделие

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "shaped garment" в других словарях:

  • shaped — /shaypt/, adj. 1. of a definite form, shape, or character (often used in combination): a U shaped driveway. 2. designed to fit a particular form, body, or contour: a shaped garment. 3. Furniture. having other than a plane surface. [1530 40; SHAPE …   Universalium

  • Temple garment — circa 1879 (GSR 1879). A Temple garment (also referred to as garments, or Mormon underwear)[1] is a type of underwear worn by members of some denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement, after they have taken part in the Endowment …   Wikipedia

  • Complete garment knitting — is a next generation form of fully fashioned knitting that adds the capability of making a 3 dimensional full garment. Unlike other fully fashioned knitting, where the shaped pieces must still be sewn together, finished complete knitted garments… …   Wikipedia

  • Skirt — For the cut of beef, see skirt steak. Polka dot skirt on a hanger. A skirt is a tube or cone shaped garment that hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. In the western world, skirts are usually considered women s clothing.… …   Wikipedia

  • clothing and footwear industry — Introduction also called  apparel and allied industries,  garment industries,  or  soft goods industries,         factories and mills producing outerwear, underwear, headwear, footwear, belts, purses, luggage, gloves, scarfs, ties, and household… …   Universalium

  • Mozzetta — • A short, cape shaped garment, covering the shoulders and reaching only to the elbow, with an open front, which may be fastened by means of a row of small buttons; at the neck it has a very small and purely ornamental hood Catholic Encyclopedia …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Skirt and dress — This page has been split:*Skirt, a tube or cone shaped garment which hangs from the waist *Dress, a skirt with an attached bodice …   Wikipedia

  • Titumir — (Bangla: তিতুমীর) , properly Titu Mir, was a rebel against the zamindars and British colonial system in 19th century Bengal, part of British India. He rebelled against the rich landlords and colonial British rulers and put up an impressive… …   Wikipedia

  • Upāsaka — (masculine) or Upāsikā (feminine) are from the Sanskrit and Pāli words for attendant . [Nattier (2003), p. 25, states that the etymology of upāsikā suggests those who serve and that the word is best understood as lay auxiliary of the monastic… …   Wikipedia

  • dress — /dres/, n., adj., v., dressed or drest, dressing. n. 1. an outer garment for women and girls, consisting of bodice and skirt in one piece. 2. clothing; apparel; garb: The dress of the 18th century was colorful. 3. formal attire. 4. a particular… …   Universalium

  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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