- bending failure
разрушение при изгибе
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Bending moment — A bending moment exists in a structural element when a moment is applied to the element so that the element bends. Moments and torques are measured as a force multiplied by a distance so they have as unit newton metres (N·m) , or foot pounds… … Wikipedia
Bending — For other uses, see Bending (disambiguation). Flexure redirects here. For joints that bend, see living hinge. For bearings that operate by bending, see flexure bearing. Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
Failure theory (material) — v · d · e Materials failure modes Buckling · Corro … Wikipedia
Plastic bending — is a nonlinear behaviour peculiar to members made of ductile materials that frequently achievemuch greater ultimate bending strength than indicated by a linear elastic bending analysis. In both the plastic andelastic bending analyses of a… … Wikipedia
Circuit bending — Probing for bends using a jeweler s screwdriver and alligator clips Circuit bending is the creative customization of the circuits within electronic devices such as low voltage, battery powered guitar effects, children s toys and small digital… … Wikipedia
Pole bending — Western riding Timed events Barrel race Pole bending Stake race (Figure 8) Keyhole race Flag race Pole bending is timed event that feat … Wikipedia
structural failure — The condition when a structure fails to withstand the stresses imposed upon it. The failure manifests itself by bending, becoming permanently deformed, or breaking … Aviation dictionary
compression failure — noun : a collapse or buckling of wood fibers resulting from compression along the grain (as that caused by bending or strain) … Useful english dictionary
I-beam — I beams (also known as W beams or double T esp. in Polish and German) are beams with an I or H shaped cross section ( W stands for wide flange ). The horizontal elements are flanges, while the vertical element is the web. The Euler Bernoulli beam … Wikipedia
Earthquake engineering — is the study of the behavior of buildings and structures subject to seismic loading. It is a subset of both structural and civil engineering.The main objectives of earthquake engineering are: * Understand the interaction between buildings or… … Wikipedia
разрушение при изгибе или загибе — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN bending failure … Справочник технического переводчика