shaft power

shaft power
мощность на валу; мощность, передаваемая валом

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "shaft power" в других словарях:

  • power shaft — varantysis velenas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. drive shaft; driving shaft; power shaft vok. Antriebswelle, f; treibende Welle, f rus. вал ведущий, m; приводной вал, m pranc. arbre de commande, m; arbre moteur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Shaft collar — to DIN 705 The shaft collar is a simple, yet important, machine component found in many power transmission applications most notably motors and gearboxes. The collars are used as mechanical stops, locating components, and bearing faces. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Shaft — can refer to: Edwin Shaft WhiteLong narrow passages: * Edwin White * Elevator shaft * Ventilation shaft * Pitch (vertical space), a significant underground vertical space in caving terminology * Shaft mining * Shafting, illicit travelling through …   Wikipedia

  • Shaft — Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shaft alley — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shaft furnace — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shaft´like´ — shaft «shaft, shahft», noun, verb. –n. 1. a bar to support parts of a machine that turn, or to help move parts such as gears or pulleys, or to transmit power from one part of a machine to another, such as the drive shaft of an automobile. 2. a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • shaft — ► NOUN 1) a long, narrow part forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or similar. 2) a ray of light or bolt of lightning. 3) a long, narrow, typically vertical hole giving access to a mine, accommodating a lift, etc.… …   English terms dictionary

  • shaft|ing — «SHAF tihng, SHAHF », noun. 1. shafts. 2. a system of shafts, especially for transmitting power to machinery. 3. material for shafts …   Useful english dictionary

  • Power take-off — A power take off (PTO) is a splined driveshaft, usually on a tractor or that can be used to provide power to an attachment or separate machine. It is designed to be easily connected and disconnected. The power take off allows implements to draw… …   Wikipedia

  • Shaft Collar — The shaft collar is a simple, yet important, machine component found in many power transmission applications most notably motors and gearboxes. They are used as mechanical stops, locating components, and bearing faces. The simple design lends… …   Wikipedia

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