
1) установка; регулирование; настройка; наладка
2) юстировка
3) схватывание; затвердевание; отверждение
4) стабилизация; фиксация (красителя, нити)
5) разметка
6) положение, позиция
7) садка (грунта)
8) сил. осадка
9) подвулканизация
10) строит. забирки (в ограждении котлована)
11) разводка (зубьев пилы)
12) уставка (регулируемой величины)
13) вчт. установка в состояние "1"
14) мн. ч. наладочные параметры; параметры формата и режима отображения
15) полигр. набор
16) закрепление, высыхание (печатной краски)
17) текст. разводка (расстояние между осями или поверхностями рабочих органов машины)
18) свёртывание (молока)
19) отстаивание (сливок)
20) замес (теста)
setting through — полное отверждение; отверждение во внутреннем слое;
setting to touch — высыхание плёнки до исчезновения липкости (при прикосновении пальцем)
ad setting
altimeter setting
aperture setting
blade pitch setting
boiler setting
brick setting
colloidal setting
color setting
component setting
computer-aided setting
diamond setting
diaphragm setting
displacement setting
dye heat setting
exposure setting
flap landing setting
flap takeoff setting
fuel injection setting
fuel rack setting
fuel setting
gain setting
grain setting
gross setting
guide setting
hand setting
heat setting
hydraulic setting
jet basic setting
loop setting
machine setting
mill setting
mixed setting
mode setting
mold setting
multiple columns setting
parameter setting
pass setting
path setting
pocket setting
point setting
pot setting
pressure setting
relay setting
roll gap setting
roll setting
route setting
saw tooth setting
setting of cord
setting of net
setting of packer
setting of protective relays
shutter setting
staggered diamond setting
static camber setting
studio setting
support setting
threshold setting
trim setting
undulated diamond setting
zero setting

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "setting" в других словарях:

  • Setting — Set ting, n. 1. The act of one who, or that which, sets; as, the setting of type, or of gems; the setting of the sun; the setting (hardening) of moist plaster of Paris; the setting (set) of a current. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of marking the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Setting — may refer to: * A place where something is set * Set construction in theatrical scenery * Setting (fiction) in literature * In jewelry, when a diamond or gem is set into a frame or bed, see also stonesetting * Campaign setting in role playing… …   Wikipedia

  • setting — [set′iŋ] n. 1. the act of one that sets 2. the position or adjustment of something, as a dial, that has been set 3. a thing in or upon which something is set; specif., the backing for a gem or gems, or the style or shape of this [a marquise… …   English World dictionary

  • Setting — (englisch für ‚Anordnung‘, ‚Schauplatz‘) bezeichnet in Literatur, Theater und Film den Schauplatz oder Ort der Handlung in der Psychologie die spezifische Gestaltung der Therapieumstände, siehe Setting (Psychologie) In der Terminologie Timothy… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • setting — index atmosphere, case (set of circumstances), posture (situation), scene, site, vicinity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • setting-up — UK US adjective [before noun] UK ► SETUP(Cf. ↑setup) adjective ► relating to an amount paid to a financial organization when putting money into an investment fund for the first time: setting up charge/costs/fee »National Mutual s Sipp has a… …   Financial and business terms

  • setting — late 14c., fact or action of being set or setting, from SET (Cf. set) (v.). Ref. to mounts for jewels, etc. is from 1815; meaning background, history, environment is attested from 1841 …   Etymology dictionary

  • setting — setting; un·setting; …   English syllables

  • setting — [n] scene, background ambience, backdrop, context, distance, environment, frame, framework, horizon, jungle, locale, location, mise en scène, mounting, perspective, set, shade, shadow, site, stage set, stage setting, surroundings; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • setting — ► NOUN 1) the way or place in which something is set. 2) a piece of metal in which a precious stone or gem is fixed to form a piece of jewellery. 3) a piece of vocal or choral music composed for particular words. 4) (also place setting) a… …   English terms dictionary

  • setting — *background, environment, milieu, mise en scène, backdrop …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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