set input
Смотреть что такое "set input" в других словарях:
Input capture — is a method of dealing with input signals in an embedded system.Embedded systems using input capture will record a timestamp in memory when an input signal is received. It will also set a flag indicating that an input has been captured. This… … Wikipedia
Set packing — is a classical NP complete problem in computational complexity theory and combinatorics, and was one of Karp s 21 NP complete problems. Suppose we have a finite set S and a list of subsets of S. Then, the set packing problem asks if some k… … Wikipedia
input — (n.) 1793, a sum (of cash) put in, from IN (Cf. in) + PUT (Cf. put). Computing sense of data fed into a machine is from 1948; the verb in the computing sense is attested from 1946. There was a M.E. verb input (late 14c.) meaning to put in, place … Etymology dictionary
Set cover problem — The set covering problem is a classical question in computer science and complexity theory. As input you are given several sets. They may have some elements in common. You must select a minimum number of these sets so that the sets you have… … Wikipedia
Input device — In computing, an input device is any peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information appliance. Input and output devices make… … Wikipedia
Input Hypothesis — Comprehensible input redirects here. For input in language learning in the general sense, see Second language acquisition. The Input Hypothesis is one of five hypotheses of second language acquisition proposed by Stephen Krashen. It is also often … Wikipedia
Input mask — In computer programming, an input mask often refers to a string expression that a developer defines, which governs what is allowed to be entered into a typical edit box. It can be said to be a template, or set format that entered data must… … Wikipedia
input model of hallucinatory activity — In hallucinations research the term input model is used as a generic term for a group of explanatory models which stress the contribution of information perception areas in the mediation of hallucinations. The term input model derives from a… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
input tax — Value added tax paid by a taxable person on purchasing goods or services from a VAT registered trader. The input tax, excluding irrecoverable input VAT, is set against the output tax in order to establish the amount of VAT to be paid to the tax… … Accounting dictionary
input tax — Value added tax paid by a taxable person on purchasing goods or services from a VAT registered trader. The input tax, excluding irrecoverable input VAT, is set against the output tax in order to establish the amount of VAT to be paid to the tax… … Big dictionary of business and management
set operation — noun A mathematical operation that returns a set taking one or more sets as input. Syn: set theoretic operation … Wiktionary