separation failure

separation failure
разрушение отрывом

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "separation failure" в других словарях:

  • Separation of church and state in the United States — The phrase separation of church and state (sometimes wall of separation between church and state ), attributed to Thomas Jefferson and others, and since quoted by the Supreme Court of the United States, expresses an understanding of the intent… …   Wikipedia

  • Separation of concerns — In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is the process of breaking a computer program into distinct features that overlap in functionality as little as possible. A concern is any piece of interest or focus in a program. Typically,… …   Wikipedia

  • Failure transparency — In a distributed system, failure transparency refers to the extent to which errors and subsequent recoveries of hosts and services within the system are invisible to users and applications.huh For example, if a server fails, but users are… …   Wikipedia

  • separation of jury — The separation of one or more jurors from their fellow jurors. The dispersal of a jury, the jurors going to their several homes or about their businesses or pleasures. 53 Am J1st Trial § 861. The term implies the failure of the officer in charge… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Micro-Mechanics of Failure — Figure 1. Hierarchy of micromechanics based analysis procedure for composite structures. Micro Mechanics of Failure (MMF) is a newly proposed methodology, providing a more logical explanation of failure mechanism of continuous f …   Wikipedia

  • Doctrine of separation — The doctrine of separation, also known as the doctrine of non fellowship, is a belief among some Protestant religious groups that the members of a church should be separate from the world and not have association with those who are of the world …   Wikipedia

  • Psychology (The separation of) from philosophy — The separation of psychology from philosophy Studies in the sciences of mind 1815–1879 Edward S.Reed THE IMPOSSIBLE SCIENCE Traditional metaphysics The consensus of European opinion during and immediately after the Napoleonic era was that… …   History of philosophy

  • Space accidents and incidents — Space accidents, either during operations or training for spaceflights, have killed 22 astronauts (five percent of all people who have been in space, two percent of individual spaceflights), and a much larger number of ground crew. This article… …   Wikipedia

  • List of spaceflight-related accidents and incidents — Death in space redirects here. For death in specifically outer space conditions, see Space exposure. Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates 73 seconds after launch, due to hot gases escaping the SRBs leading to structural failure of the external… …   Wikipedia

  • Multistage rocket — First stage and second stage redirect here. For other uses, see diving regulator and reading (legislature). The second stage of a Minuteman III rocket A multistage (or multi stage) rocket is a rocket that uses two or more stages, each of… …   Wikipedia

  • Discoverer 34 — Operator US Air Force/NRO Major contractors Lockheed Bus KH 3 Corona Agena B Mission type Optical reconnaissance …   Wikipedia

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