sensory system

sensory system
сенсорная система; система очувствления (робота)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "sensory system" в других словарях:

  • Sensory system — See also sense A sensory system is a part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information. A sensory system consists of sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. Commonly… …   Wikipedia

  • sensory system — noun 1. a particular sense • Syn: ↑modality, ↑sense modality • Hypernyms: ↑sense, ↑sensation, ↑sentience, ↑sentiency, ↑sensory faculty …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sensory neuroscience — is a subfield of neuroscience which explores the anatomy and physiology of neurons that are part of sensory systems such as vision, hearing, and olfaction. Neurons in sensory regions of the brain respond to stimuli by firing one or more nerve… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensory — may refer to: holaaaIn biology: * Sensory system, part of the nervous system of organisms * Sensory neuron, nerve cell responsible for transmitting information about external stimuli * Sensory receptor, a structure that recognizes external… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensory defensiveness — is a condition defined as having a tendency to react negatively or with alarm to sensory input which is generally considered harmless or non irritating to neurotypical persons. [Wilbarger, Patricia and Wilbarger, Julia. (1991). Sensory… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensory deprivation — or perceptual isolation[1] is the deliberate reduction or removal of stimuli from one or more of the senses. Simple devices such as blindfolds or hoods and earmuffs can cut off sight and hearing respectively, while more complex devices can also… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensory ecology — is a relatively new field focusing on the information organisms obtain about their environment. It includes questions of what information is obtained, how it is obtained (the mechanism), and why the information is useful to the organism (the… …   Wikipedia

  • somatic sensory system — noun the faculty of bodily perception; sensory systems associated with the body; includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs • Syn: ↑somesthesia, ↑somesthesis, ↑somaesthesia, ↑somaesthesis, ↑somatesthesia, ↑somataesthesis,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sensory receptor — In a sensory system, a sensory receptor is a structure that recognizes a stimulus in the internal or external environment of an organism. In response to stimuli the sensory receptor initiates sensory transduction by creating graded potentials or… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensory cue — A sensory cue is a statistic or signal that can be extracted from the sensory input by a perceiver, that indicates the state of some property of the world that the perceiver is interested in perceiving. Sensory cues include visual cues, auditory… …   Wikipedia

  • sensory canal — lateral line (a tube like sensory organ (usually bearing pores) extending along the side of the body. Detects water movements, low frequency vibrations and perhaps temperature changes. In some fishes the sensory organs are uncovered (without a… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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