- sense signal
сигнал считывания
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Signal programming — is often used in the same sense as Event driven programming.The word signal is used instead of the word event in documentation of such libraries as Qt, GTK+ and libsigc++.In the wider software development community the word signal is sometimes… … Wikipedia
Signal-flow graph — A signal flow graph (SFG) is a special type of block diagram[1] and directed graph consisting of nodes and branches. Its nodes are the variables of a set of linear algebraic relations. An SFG can only represent multiplications and additions.… … Wikipedia
Signal Corps in the American Civil War — U.S. Army Signal Corps station on Elk Mountain, Maryland, overlooking the Antietam battlefield. The Signal Corps in the American Civil War comprised two organizations: the U.S. Army Signal Corps, which began with the appointment of Major Albert J … Wikipedia
signal*/*/*/ — [ˈsɪgn(ə)l] noun [C] I 1) a movement or sound that is made by someone and has a special meaning for another person We waited for them to give us the signal to move.[/ex] 2) a fact, event, or action that shows what someone intends to do, or that… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Sense switch — A sense switch or program switch, is a switch on the console of a computer whose state can be tested by conditional branch instructions in software. Most early computers had several sense switches. They were typically used by the operator to set… … Wikipedia
Signal reconstruction — In signal processing, reconstruction usually means the determination of an original continuous signal from a sequence of equally spaced samples.This article takes a generalized abstract mathematical approach to signal sampling and reconstruction … Wikipedia
signal element — Each part of a digital signal, distinguished from others by its duration, position, and/or sense. Can be a start, information, or stop element … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Sampling (signal processing) — Signal sampling representation. The continuous signal is represented with a green color whereas the discrete samples are in blue. In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the … Wikipedia
Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection — (CSMA/CD), in computer networking, is a network control protocol in which *a carrier sensing scheme is used. *a transmitting data station that detects another signal while transmitting a frame, stops transmitting that frame, transmits a jam… … Wikipedia
Energy (signal processing) — In signal processing, the energy E s of a continuous time signal x ( t ) is defined as:E {s} = langle x(t), x(t) angle = int { infty}^{infty}{|x(t)|^2}dtenergy in this context is not, strictly speaking, the same as the conventional notion of… … Wikipedia
Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance — In computer networking, CSMA/CA belongs to a class of protocols called multiple access methods. CSMA/CA stands for: Carrier Sense Multiple Access With Collision Avoidance.In CSMA, a station wishing to transmit has to first listen to the channel… … Wikipedia