selection tree

selection tree
древовидная схема выборки

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "selection tree" в других словарях:

  • Selection cutting — is the silvicultural practice of harvesting a proportion of the trees in a stand. Selection cutting is the practice of removing mature timber or thinning to improve the timber stand. This system may be used to manage even or uneven aged stands.… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree breeding — is the application of genetic principles to the genetic improvement and management of forest trees. In contrast to the selective breeding of livestock, arable crops, and horticultural flowers over the last few centuries, the breeding of trees,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sélection inter-sexe — Sélection intersexuelle La sélection intersexuelle est particulièrement visible au niveau des aires de parade. Chez le Tétras lyre, les mâles se regroupent et paradent dans des tourbières. Les femelles viennent les observer et s accouplent parfoi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sélection inter-sexuelle — Sélection intersexuelle La sélection intersexuelle est particulièrement visible au niveau des aires de parade. Chez le Tétras lyre, les mâles se regroupent et paradent dans des tourbières. Les femelles viennent les observer et s accouplent parfoi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Selection algorithm — In computer science, a selection algorithm is an algorithm for finding the kth smallest number in a list (such a number is called the kth order statistic). This includes the cases of finding the minimum, maximum, and median elements. There are… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree of Knowledge System — The Tree of Knowledge (ToK) System is a novel, theoretical approach to the unification of psychology developed by professor Gregg Henriques of James Madison University.The outline of the system was published in 2003 in Review of General… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree of life (biology) — See also Tree of life (disambiguation) for other meanings of the Tree of Life. Hillis plot Tree Of Life, based on completely sequenced genomes. Charles Darwin proposed that phylogeny, the evolutionary relatedness among species through time, was… …   Wikipedia

  • Sélection intersexuelle — La sélection intersexuelle est particulièrement visible au niveau des aires de parade. Chez le Tétras lyre, les mâles se regroupent et paradent dans des tourbières. Les femelles viennent les observer et s accouplent parfois avec l un d entre eux …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tree of life — For other uses, see Tree of life (disambiguation). An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda by Oluf Olufsen Bagge The concept of a tree of life, a many branched tree illustrating the idea that all life on… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree of Jesse — The oldest complete Jesse Tree window is in Chartres Cathedral, 1145. The Tree of Jesse is a depiction in art of the Ancestors of Christ, shown in a tree which rises from Jesse of Bethlehem, the father of King David; the original use of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural selection — For other uses, see Natural Selection (disambiguation). Part of a series on Evolutionary Biology …   Wikipedia

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